Recent Posts
Topic: I'm in need of a W.V friend!!!!!
Hello everyone!
My name is Angela and I have been on the Va board and would love to be involved with people that is closer.I'm kinda new and have questions and it would be wonderful to have a buddy thing with someone to whom we can talk back and forth,so if you are postive person and would like a friend please let me know!!
Topic: Let's do Lexington!
So who is going to attend? I want a list so I don't miss anyone!
I cannot wait to see old friends, meet long time friends and make new friends!
This even will be the blow out of the year! Let's all go and get re-charged, no matter where you are in your WLS Journey this WILL BE the most excellent place to get the answers and in person support we all need! I know I am needing YOU ALL!
I will be driving straight down 75 S anyone wanting to carpool, give me a shout!
Also if you want to share a room, that'd be great also!
More info at:
I promise not to wear baggy pants at this event
So c'mon friends, I want to see you there!
xoxo, Vickie

Topic: RE: I'm Going to Lexington, KY!!! ARE YOU????
I'll be there with bells on, I can't wait to meet you and everyone else.
Topic: RE: I am home from surgery
Jennifer I too just had surgery (9/19) and am home. I understand what you are saying about things being tough, because I agree. People don't see the pain or the staples or even understand. But I understand. My husband has stayed off work and is here to assist me too. It's a great comfort knowing someone is there to help you if you need it. Good luck.
Topic: Join ME in Lexington! Oct 27/28
I'm excited to report that I'll be at the Lexington event coming up on October 27 & 28. :horse:
I've had a few questions asked about the convention and wanted to make sure everyone knew the answers. The conventions are not just open to post-ops. This is a time for pre-ops, post-op, undecided, new & old members to the family to come together for support, but also most importantly, to meet real people. Many people on the boards have known each other for years and get excited to be meeting for the first time. EVERYONE is welcome and the more the merrier. This is open to all people, spouses, surgery types, etc. We are just as excited to meet new members, as well as older established members. That's how you get to know someone - you come out to meet them. So you all are invited! :jump:
If you have any questions please let me know and I'll find the answer if I don't know.
The event on Friday night will consist of a Masquerade ball and social time. So be creative, I don't know what I'm going to wear yet. :ninja: Costume's are optional, casual is fine.
We hope you will make this special event, we will be having a vast variety of speakers. Also some other many SPECIAL guests! For a full line up of speakers, schedule and to register by going here:
If you register before the 27th of September both days are $85.00.
I look forward to meeting many new friends and old!
Topic: What I learned at Camp
What I Learned at Camp
Dear Aunt Ethel,
Thank you so much for suggesting I attend the Regional Camp in San Antonio, Texas. Even though San Antonio is hot in July, I have just returned from one of the best times of recent memory. I met so many friendly people, many of whom had lots in common with me. There were so many things I learned! Here is just a small sampling of the new information I have come to know:
? There are friendly people most anywhere you travel.
? There are actually professionals in this world that care as much or MORE about people as they do about making money.
? While exercise in general is good, some exercise methods can hurt a person's goal of burning fat and losing weight.
? You need the help of a trained exercise physiologist to know if your exercise regiment is beneficial in burning fat.
? Calories taken in minus Calories burned equals Weight Gain or Weight Loss.
? Plastic Surgeons like to talk.
? I get tired of looking at before and after pictures provided by Plastic Surgeons.
? Some protien drinks taste good.
? Attending camp helps me to remember where I've come from and how hard it is for me to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
? I have support available to help me in my struggles.
? Support groups are a good thing.
? It is okay to dream for what seems impossible.
? The WLS community needs to be proactive in the political process.
? If it is a mother, or has a mother, it is protein.
? If it walks on land, cook it with dry heat.
? You need to change up your exercise regiment every six weeks or so.
? When it comes to pouches, size matters.
? NEVER, NEVER, NEVER forget where my WLS journey began.
Once again, Aunt Ethel, thanks for suggesting I go to the OH camp. I met many other campers with the same goal of living a fuller, healthier life. It helps me to know that others face the same struggles and fears I go through. It was also neat to share in each other's victories as we shared "WOW" moments and "pounds lost". I hope to attend another camp when it is held close to me. Thanks again.
Your loving nephew,
Topic: I'm Going to Lexington, KY!!! ARE YOU????
I've not worked out ALL the details yet, but I AM going to the Lexington, KY event - come heck or high water. I hope to meet EVERYONE there. I have 'lived' on this board for half a decade and am very excited to attend my very first event. I hope everyone turns out for's a long trip for me (Over 2300 miles) and that's a HUGE deal to this small town gal. I am bouncing in my seat and this is going to be the longest month of my life!
This is like waiting for Christmas or the birth of my first kid. WOW....I'm just psyched!
I just want to make sure that EVERYONE knows I want to meet them - newer folks I've not had the pleasure of chatting with and older friends, who've I've gotten to know over the years. I want to pack as much LIVING into these 2 days as I can muster.
I hope you'll join me.

Topic: RE: I am home from surgery
glad your home and doing well. I hope to soon be where you are.
Topic: With your WV medicaid insurance how
long did it take for you to hear back from them. I am starting to get worried as its been a while now.
Sure hope they would let me know soon. if not favorable then at least I know to appeal. Everything is hurry up and wait.
Thanks in advance for any info.
Topic: Beckley WLS Support Grp Mtg 09/18
Hi Everyone!
The Beckley WLS Support Group meeting will be held on MONDAY, Sept. 18, from 7:00-9:00pm at Raleigh General Hospital on Harper Road, Beckley. Our meeting location is in the Education Center (annex building on the Kroger side of RGH). Entrance is at the top of the wheelchair ramp. Guests are welcome and everyone is encouraged to attend!
CLOTHING EXCHANGE: We will now have a clothing exchange at each meeting! You are welcome to bring any clothes that no longer fit you and take home some that do. As you lose out of them, bring them back and exchange them for others! You do not have to bring clothing to take clothing, and bringing clothing is not required.
Restaurant cards for Dr. Shin and Dr. Stickler's patients (as well as some other area doctors - email us if you need one for your doctor) will be available for anyone who needs one. Don't forget to bring a recipe (or two...or three) for our online group cookbook (or you can email them to us), a "before" picture (if you have one), or even bring some "before" clothes!
You can view our monthly calendar by visiting our support group website at The 2006 meeting dates are also listed below.
Looking forward to seeing you Monday!
2006 Beckley WLS Support Group meeting dates (all Monday meetings):
September 18, 2006
October 23, 2006
November 13, 2006
December 18, 2006
If Raleigh County Schools are cancelled due to weather the day of our meeting or the following day, the meeting is cancelled also.)
If you would like to receive an email-reminder for the Beckley WLS Support Group Meeting, please email us at [email protected].