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Topic: What's for supper tonight??
Hi all!
I've got a pot roast in the oven and it is starting to make the house smell yummy... Just got to figure out what to go with it.... What's everyone else having tonight??
Topic: RE: Friday 4/13--What did you eat today??
For me, there are only two protein bars I ever eat. Both of them are sort of middle-of-the-road as far as protein bars go.
1) Power Crunch
These are like sugar wafer cookies with a coating around the outside. I prefer the French Vanilla Creme, but I hear the Peanut Butter Creme is VERY popular too. Power Crunch bars don't have a protein taste. But, they do leave a bit of a greasy mouth feel after you eat them. It goes away pretty quickly. I guess it is something in the coating. They have 15 grams of protein and like 9 or 10 carbs.
2) Slimfast High Protein protein bars
I only eat the Chocolate Chip Granola one. It is very much like a Quaker Chewy Chocolate Chip Granola Bar if you've ever had one of those. No protein taste whatsoever and it has a chocolate coating on the bottom and some teeny chocolate chips in the granola bar. They have 15 grams of protein and like 18 net carbs.
I try to only eat protein bars where I can get nearly as many grams of protein as I do grams of carbs. So, if a protein bar has 15 grams of protein in it, I don't eat one with more than 15 to 20 net grams of carbs. Some of the ones out there have 20 grams of protein in them but almost 40 carbs! I try to get as close to one for one as I can with ANY food I eat! 40 is just WAY too many carbs in a food with only 20 grams of protein!
I used to eat the Labrada Nutty Peanut protein bars. Those have 21 grams of protein and only 19 net carbs. Plus, they taste quite a lot like a Payday candy bar if Paydays had some nougat in the middle!
Are you able to eat protein bars? I wouldn't think they'd be on your allowed foods yet, so I bet you're just looking for recommendations for down the road??
Topic: RE: Getting Nervous
just read you message and hope you are doing well I had my surgery the day after you on the 10th. I got scared too. maybe we can go down this road together, i'm from the clarksburg area.
Topic: RE: Friday 4/13--What did you eat today??
Hi Lea, What kind of Protein bars do you like? What do you recommend?
Topic: Friday 4/13--What did you eat today??
Okay, here goes... Let's all share what we ate today OR what you plan to eat tomorrow (Saturday).
Breakfast--protein bar (15 grams protein)
Lunch--carb master yogurt (12 grams protein)
snack--refried beans/cheese (10 grams protein)
Dinner--chicken quesadilla with only about 1/2 of the tortilla (28 grams protein)
snack--pickle spears (no protein unfortunately, but also little else)
SO, only 65 grams of protein for me today, but it was an on the go day... I did get in 80 ozs of liquids too. And, my total calories for the day was 1010.
For tomorrow, I think I'm going to do Egg Beaters with cheese for breakfast, yogurt again at lunch time (my surgeon encourages us to eat a yogurt every day), maybe a protein bar for my snack, and either chili or pot roast for dinner...
Please share your own folks!
Topic: RE: Trying to get some excitment on this board! QOTD
1. "Oh man! Is it that late already?"
2. No, not scared, but don't usually get a chance to test it!
3. Yeah, right! I usually drive 5 or so miles over... I know I shouldn't !
4. vacation? Can you define the word?
5. 60 to 80 ozs per day but most of it is iced tea--only about 20 ozs water lately
6. Yep, I went to my 10 and 20 year reunions. I felt like (and was) the fattest person in the room. I was not, however, the only one who had gained weight.
7. Never tried it....
8. I'd like to have some PS, but I don't know that I'll be able to afford it. I will need a lower body lift so that my thighs will be pulled up!
9. 1 brother and 2 sisters, but I am the oldest. We fought a lot, but not the knock-down-drag-out sort of fighting, just arguing. I don't have much of a relationship with my brother these days (he screwed me over on a car deal), but I do have a fairly decent relationship with both sisters even though we are now 950 miles away from them.
10. Yep, crafty is one word for it. I sew. I make soap, lotion, candles, etc. I used to do a lot of plastic canvas--does anyone still do that stuff? LOL I also make some beaded jewelry from time to time and used to do beaded ornaments.
I will also say that there are a few of us who've tried to get this board revved up in the past and this is one resistant group! Let's give it another go!! Come on gang--chip in!
(deactivated member)
on 4/12/07 11:48 pm
on 4/12/07 11:48 pm
Topic: Riding my bike
As a volunteer clown, participating in functions to help children, I often ride one of those silly little bikes where my knees are above the handle bars. As a chubby clown I had problems riding them. As a slim downed clown the small bikes are much easier although I prefer my carbon frame, Kestrel Road Bike now.
Now that I am almost to my goal I plan to spend the next ten years riding my bike in events across the USA. The plan is to ride in five events each year which will give me whole USA after ten years. There are many bike rides sponsored annually by worthy charitable organizations. Riding my bike will allow me to help others while helping myself maintain my newfound slimness.
I wanted to commit to this on the state forums as a reminder to myself that the surgery is only the first step; a life-style change is imperative if I want to maintain. I intend to do that on my bike.
Topic: Trying to get some excitment on this board! QOTD
Have fun and enjoy! Feel free to answer none, some or all of the questions.
So here are the questions I have for you ....
1. What was your first thought this morning?
2. Are you scared of heights? How high is "too high" for you?
3. Do you drive the speed limit?
4. What is your favorite vacation spot? When was the last time you went?
5. How many oz of liquid do you consume each day? How many oz are actually water?
6. Have you been to a high school reunion? If not, did you avoid it and why?
7. Do you like to play games on-line? What is your favorite game/site?
8. Do you see yourself ever having plastic surgery? If so, what is the first thing you would have done?
9. Do you have any siblings? Did you get along growing up? Do you have a relationship to this day? Is it good or bad?
10. Are you crafty? Do you know how to sew?
Topic: 4/17/07 Central WV Support Group Meeting
Hi all!
We'll have our second meeting of the Central West Virginia WLS support group on Tuesday, April 17th, at 6:30 pm. Meetings are held in the multipurpose room of Braxton Memorial Hospital in Gassaway. The hospital is less than a mile from exit 62 (the Gassaway/Sutton exit) off I-79. If you need directions or other info, you can respond to this message OR email me at and I'll get right back to you!
Thanks to all!
Topic: RE: poor turnout for central WV support group...
Feel free to email me about your support group. I'd love to help you if I can.
Beckley Weight Loss Surgery Support Group