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I think doing the pre-op through your surgeon's office gives the benefit of learning about WLS from the expert in the field - instead of just a General Practitioner. I learned ahead of time about expectations, nutrition and the psychological side as well.
It also gives you the benefit of asking questions ahead of time and getting very educated information. I'm all for the surgeon's pre-op program. It was the best choice for me.
Good luck as you go forward in your journey. You will definitely start feeling better soon after your surgery.
Lap RNY 12/04/2007
313/236/150 (WOO HOO! I made it into the 30's! Next goal - the 20's!)
Age 54, 5'4"
You've done a remarkable job sticking with the plan - I commend you! I am glad your wife was supportive in this - my husband has been amazingly wonderful and it sure does help.
Thanks for telling us your thoughts - and keep up the great job!
Lap RNY 12/04/2007
313/236/150 (WOO HOO! I made it into the 30's! Next goal - the 20's!)
Age 54, 5'4"
I think it is ridiculous, since, if one is to believe all their marketing, they are all about "healthy West Virginians". If that were true, they would seek the widest array of tools possible to assist us in our journey to health.
I am extremely disappointed that evidently I will have to have the only surgery they will pay for, the RNY. Why should PEIA make the decision as to which surgery is the best for me?
If you have coverage with PEIA, please write and tell them to offer the widest array of surgical weight loss tools possible. WLS is NOT one size fits all.

Today is 51 weeks since surgery and I weigh 167, I now have a normal BMI. My wife and I were talking the other evening and she asked me what my expectations were a year ago and if I had thought I would be where I am now. Of course the answer was NO. I never thought that this would be possible in just a year. Highest measured weight was 375. First consultation with surgeon 359. Day of surgey 324. This morning 167. I have more energy and feel like I am 25 yrs old, probably better than I did at 25. I know I am healthier than I have ever been. No more medication of any kind, only vitamins, No more CPAP, high blood pressure, GERD or any of that stuff. Women are a lot more friendly, which is nice, but I am a happily married man and want to stay that way. But it is nice when women give you that smile. Well I am starting to ramble, bottom line is life is good. pan head

OH Magazine
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