Beckley WLS Support Grp Mtg 04/17
Hi Everyone!
The Beckley WLS Support Group meeting will be held on MONDAY, April 17, from 7:00-9:00pm at Raleigh General Hospital on Harper Road, Beckley. Our meeting location is in the Education Center (annex building on the Kroger side of RGH). Entrance is at the top of the wheelchair ramp. Guests are welcome and everyone is encouraged to attend!
CLOTHING EXCHANGE: We will now have a clothing exchange at each meeting! You are welcome to bring any clothes that no longer fit you and take home some that do. As you lose out of them, bring them back and exchange them for others! You do not have to bring clothing to take clothing, and bringing clothing is not required.
Restaurant cards for Dr. Shin and Dr. Stickler's patients (as well as some other area doctors) will be available for anyone who needs one. Don't forget to bring a recipe (or two...or three) for our online group cookbook (or you can email them to us), a "before" picture (if you have one), or even bring some "before" clothes!
You can view our monthly calendar on the Yahoo Group at, or by visiting our support group website at The 2006 meeting dates are also listed below.
Looking forward to seeing you Monday!
2006 Beckley WLS Support Group meeting dates (all Monday meetings):
April 17, 2006
May 15, 2006
June 19, 2006
July 17, 2006
August 14, 2006
September 18, 2006
October 23, 2006
November 13, 2006
December 18, 2006
If Raleigh County Schools are cancelled due to weather the day of our meeting or the following day, the meeting is cancelled also.)
If you would like to receive an email-reminder for the Beckley WLS Support Group Meeting, please email us at [email protected].