Anyone have information on the Medicare Situation-Ruby?
Hello--I would like to see more postings on this WV message board. It dosen't seem too active to me. Is anyone else hoping to have WLS at Ruby and they have Medicare? I see there is a new snag with Medicare, and so far Ruby/WVU Hospital is not on the Medicare approved list of hospitals on Medicare website.
. I cannot believe they (Medicare) snuck this in at the last minute. I am going to attend Ruby's bariatric seminar this coming week, and hope to find out more. I guess this would also affect Charleston and Clarksburg so far, with people who have Medicare primary. Anyone out there with Medicare waiting for surgery?
Thanks. :crazy.

I am having surgery done in west virginia at cabell huntington hospital. I have medicare. My doctor is Dr. Nease. He took me in and had all my test ran and my nutrition class done. I have a date. So You may want to call them , even though they are not on the Center of Excellence list they will be by the middle of june. So try them.