Urgent need
If you guys know if anyone that has gotten approved through medicaid without having diabetes in any state can you please let me know I desperately need this surgery to improve my health issues, disease and over all quality of life, I feel this is the last chance for me.
Any help is appreciated.
Thanks alot
Hi Leigh,
I was approved and had surgery at UVA last Jan. 05 with Dr. Bruce Schrimer. I do not have Diabetes and I never did have diabete, but I did have other co mobilities that made me eligible for getting approved for surgery. I have lost over 200 lb and am doing great.
Please email me if I can be of any help to you.
God Bless,
Marsha in WV

Hi Leigh, We have the same surgeon. Isn't he the best? My friend who is also a patient of Dr.Nease has medicaid and was approved. I know she didn't have diabetes, but she had a pretty high BMI. Is your BMI over 40? Are you still waiting for approval or have you already been turned down. Don't give up, Kim will do everything she can to get you approved. If there is anything I can do to help you out, just let me know. Good Luck!
I havent gotten to meet him yet, and I'm trying to find a decent PCP so I can get the testing that I need to turn into Kim, I do have medicaid and my bmi is 66 im 352 pds and 5'1 with alot of other co-morbidities, kim seems nice, I have thyroid disease,lymph edema, ulcers, gerd, I'm using a walker, lipiedema so it pretty much sucks for me and I feel like the surgery is my chance of a new life.