My patience..
PEIA makes us wait a year, be on a medically supervised weight loss plan. Mine isn't up, nor will it be until sometime in January. I hate the waiting game so much. If I wasn't broke I'd pay for it myself. This stinks. I'm trying so hard to keep at it and just deal but it's getting more and more difficult each day. I try not to think about it, but for a me, that's nearly impossible. SDF'A'DS;LJA;SLDFJA;LSKFJ!! I have to come back to the site and sift through before and after photos to keep my spirits up and keep me going on this God forsaken journey I've been on. YES I know I'm being very whiney, but most of you should understand. I know I can't be the only one to ever deal with this. Sorry, just needed to vent. Thanks for being here, even if you don't know me and I don't know you, it helps.
Rachel Jane

I feel your pain. We dropped our PEIA and went with our retired military insurance (TRICARE Prime) because of the unnecessary delays and hassles. PEIA wants you to die, change jobs or just go away so they will not have to pay. Once we switched we had approval from TRICARE within a week or so.
Good Luck!
I have PEIA and was prepared to have my surgery this past June but because my PCP wasnt keeping good notes regarding my case, PEIA denied me.
They needed one year of DOCUMENTED records. ARGH!
I was discouraged, angry and feel your pain, but what could I do? I certainly couldnt afford to pay for it myself so I had no choice but to wait.
Im getting my paperwork together at this moment to 'try again'. Im anxious but time has really gone by very quickly. I should be ready to submit my paperwork by the end of November.
Hopefully, this time, I wont be denied again. If I am, Im going to keep on trying until the say yes!
January is almost here. It will come before you know it. Try to keep the faith.