First Step of the Journey!
Hi All!
I had my first consultation with my surgeon and his staff yesterday and I have to say I have NEVER had a more positive experience about my obesity! Not once did I feel guilt or shame... there was nothing but support from everyone - nurse, dietitian, psycologist and office staff. What a wonderful first experience as I begin this journey!
My surgeon spent LOTS of time talking with me... everything from his pre-care and follow-up care program, my concerns about specifically having a pulomnary embolism a year ago, what I can expect, pain management... I even asked him questions of why he's so dedicated to changing the lives of obese patients. (This is the only surgery he does).
I came out of there with a big smile on my face! I went ahead and did the psych exam while I was there to get that out of the way and not have to schedule an appt to go to that. It just so happened that she had a cancellation. I was there from 9:15 am to 2:15 am and was working with someone the entire time. Minimal 'waiting room' time - maybe a total of 20 mins total.
I think this is a wonderful omen of how my journey is going to be. And to think... I was so nervous and anxious about this first big step!
---Barb A