I have a date.
That is great!
Where are you having your surgery? My surgery was approved rather quickly but I put it in God's Hands and I feel like it was meant to be.
June 15th is not that far away. Keep us posted! Our prayers are with you. Have any questions, please feel free to post. Someone out there will have an answer or an opinion.
After you get over the surgery, you will be amazed at how good you feel and the energy level you will have. It is totally amazing or it is for me.

I'm having surgery at CAMC, Women's and Children's at 11:15am. They just called and changed the time. They said they had an emergency that they had to work in. That was fine with me because I would have had to leave the house at 5am to be there by 6am and have surgery at 7:15, if they would have kept the old time. God has a way of working things out and He has certainly worked a miracle through all of this. I have pre-op testing on Friday, June 10 and also a visit with the nurse. Good to hear from you.