I guess we're the 'potential losers' of WV.
Im still waiting, just like Jenny. Hi Jenny!!
Has anyone begun experimenting with supplements?
I have been making the best smoothies with Vanilla Protein. ( from Walmart)
Anyone having any problems with the pre-op routine? Sipping water? No caffeine? No carbonation? Chewing slowly?
So far, the only problems Im having is remembering to eat slowly and to Chew.
I find its hard when you're a multi-tasker to eat slowly.
Nice to meet you all and best of luck!!
Mabe there isnt alot of Gastric Bypassers? I tend to eat fast too! And when it goes down I feel it until it hits my pouch and boy I remember real fast that I had surgery
I dont know if its just me,but Whenever I eat or drink my pouch makes a funny sound or It feels weird right before it hits the bottom. I hate the feeling. I'm not on liquids anymore I eat more solids then pureed foods.I take a protein mix that is wonderful, it doesnt taste like protein at ALL! I got it at THE VITAMIN STORE its called Muscle Milk and I drink it 3x a day,It has 32g of protein and I do recommend this.There is different flavors mmmmmmmm.

Hello Tabetha, Good luck with surgery our prayers are with you. I had my surgery on march 21 and have lost 61 lbs as of today. I started at 386 and now I am 325. Can't wait to get under 300. Don't worry to much everything will go well. And you will be on the losing side with us. Take care and let us know how everything go . Trina