WLS Seminar
I spoke with someone in Dr. Robert Shin's office. I have already printed off the educational manual from the Medabolix web site. What's the next step after the seminar? I've already talked with my insurance and they tell me that the surgeon has to call for approval for surgery. Thanks so much. I was beginning to think that no one would answer my post.
I've never heard anything bad about Dr. Shin, but I can honestly say from experience, you'll find no better staff than at Medabolix. If you've made up your mind on your surgeon then so be it, but if not, take the time to research and find out for yourself what group you'd rather deal with. Good luck and keep in touch!
Rachel Jane

So glad to hear that you are going to Dr. Shin.His office staff will go out of there way to help you.
Dr. Shin is going to have lots of meetings with his patients. He now has once a month. There will be meeting to attend on Tuesday and Thursday to help you under stand what you will be facing.
As far as the seminar he will be there to answer any questions and go over facts with you.
You can email any time you like.