My surgery was Aug 23 in Pittsburgh. I came home two days later. I am back at my desk in the business office of the monastery today. My surgeon had warned of so many things that could be complications for me. He even said you are sicker than most of my patients, but I think we can do this. There was a real possibility that I could have had a stroke, a heart attack or a pulmonary embolism on the table.
So, as a good Catholic nun, I had the sacrament of the sick (formerly extreme unction) before the surgery. As I was going under I was praying "Hail Marys", especially emphasizing the "Pray for us sinners now and the hour of our death" part of the prayer. The next thing I knew I had this terrible pain in my abdominal area. I thought, well, I must have lived because this hurts too much to be dead. The fellow pushing the cart with me on ran into the side of the elevator as he was taking me to my room. I got the only complication that hadn't really been planned for -- gout because I have only one kidney that functions. All in all every day is better. I get my drain out in two days. I slept on a recliner until early this morning. I couldn't take it any more. I needed my bed no matter how much it hurt to try to get out of it. When I stretched out on my own bed, I think if I were a cat I would have purred.
Happy to have joined the rest of you "losers".
Sr. Jo