Anyone @ Dr.Shin's Seminar Sat., 5/22 Have A Consultation Date Yet?
Hello All!
I was at the informational seminar on Saturday the 22nd. I really enjoyed myself and it just solidified what I already knew that I wanted to do.
I've got a consultation date of 6/15. On that day I'll see everyone...the doc., dietitian, and psychologist. I made all my appointments together as I have to drive a bit to get to Charleston. Not too far, yet still far enough.
If you feel like introducing yourselves; please do! We're all going through this together and it's nice (for me at least) when I can talk to someone whose at the same stages I am at!
Good Luck to everyone!

Hi Teresa! Thank you so much! Yes, I do know that they are holding seminars at different locations...not just their Charleston facility. The night before the one I attended, Dr. Shin said that they were in Huntington.
I think it's wonderful that you've lost so much...and your picture looks beautiful! I'll bet you are so happy too
I can't wait to be on the losing side (as they say!)
I found out today that my consultation is with Dr. Stickler. I haven't met him yet; but I feel that he will be very competent.
Did you have any problems with your post-op period? I really don't think I'll have any...I believe my problems are happening already (diabetes, high b/p)...I think that this surgery is a great option and opportunity to be a healthy soul again! I've tried several things and always seem to put it back on
Have a wonderful evening!!

Im just wondering of you got my reply since it didnt show on thread?
I did have an infection post op but it was just a minor thing. I feel so much better now that I can barely even remember having it,lol.
THis surgery has changed my life in so many ways, I can do almost anything now.
Good luck,