hi everyone
things has been going alright so far. I go for my phyic. exam the 19 of May. I hope that everything goes alright. My daughter is still scared for me to have it done. I hope that the insurance will get me approved before the end of June so that I can have it. Some says that it take PEIA a long time to approve these surgeries. I hope not because if they do I am not sure it I will have the money to pay all the duductable. Right now my husband has agreed to let me have it as long as he does not have to pay alot out of his pocket.
Does everyone have to have a sleep study done? and Has anyone had the surgery done that has PEIA and how long did it take for them to approve it.
Oh, my daughter is getting married in August, she says that it is a shame that I (if I get have the surgery) will not get to eat any of her wedding cake. I just laughed at her and told her that was alright becuase if I got to have the surgery before the wedding then I will on my way to a better me. and that wedding cake is something that I don't worry about because atleast I will be around if she ever decides to give me a grandchild.
Well got go almost 5 a.m and time for work. Hope everyone is losing good.
See you
Susan,congratulations on your daughter getting married
you can look at other members on this site who have your same ins.On the left hand side see insurers. Click there and find yours , then it will show you the names and maybe some comments. Click on the names and you can read about how long it took them to get approved. I hope this helps you you.Darleen