***MTV WANTS YOU!!!***
> Do you have trouble finding clothes that fit you? Does
> your weight stop you from participating in social or
> school activities? Are you picked on because of your
> body? Do you sneak food? Have you tried to lose weight
> and failed? Do you feel like you can't get a date
> because of your weight? Have you been told that it is necessary for
> you to lose pounds for health reasons? If you answered yes to any of
> these questions then MTV wants YOU!
> MTV's Emmy Award winning documentary show TRUE LIFE is casting for
> their next episode slated for IMMEDIATE PRODUCTION, so email ASAP!
> http://www.mtv.com/onair/castingcall/story.jhtml?id=1456283
> If you are between the ages of 16 and 26 who are
> dealing with the most extreme cases of obesity BEFORE
> surgery whether or not you are contemplating surgery,
> please email your story to
> srios@pinksneakers.net or weight@mtvstaff.com
> Please include you name, age, location, height, weight
> and phone number.
> -----------------------------------------
> Sincerely,
> Sal Rios
> =====
> Salvador (Sal) Rios
> Associate Producer
> MTV's True Life - Documentary Series
> 407.224.5365 Office
> 407.224.5639 Fax
> SRios@pinksneakers.net