Anyone have any advice on how to deal with negative relatives or friends?
Some of my family and friends are really against me having GBS, what can I do to put them more at ease with my decision? Or did I make the mistake of telling them? Please help? Thank you.
Michele Davisson
[email protected]

I desided in january to finally have the surgery, now in june I've went throught all the testing and the insurance is suppose to make its decision on friday, I have only told 2 people. my supervisor at work just so she can be aware that i will be taking several weeks off soon and my best friend, i havent even told my boyfriend and wont till the night before the surgery, the internest who had to clear me for surgery wanted to talk to my parents before giving his ok,,,,i explained to him that this was my decision and that i was the one that was going to have to live or not live with the decision, and that i was not telling my mother till the day of the surgery. he understood that i didnt want her to worry for weeks about something that she cannot change. and oked me anyway....i did have my dietician and the lab girl tell me that they thought i was bmi is 41 but they said i carry my weight very well and would be crazy...of course they dont see me without my girdle on (heeeehee) anyway you have to stand up for your self and tell them it is your decision and they can say what they want but your mind is made up...that should do it ,,,and if it dosent...tell them discussion OVER....lets talk about something else.