Hello to all Surgery soon
Hello to all that is reading this post i will be having surgery june 10,2003 in ohio Dr. Stone is doing the surgery he is so nice and i thank he really care about you,you are not a number you are some one for sure i have been in tenn. for a week so i am ready for the surgery had to get some fun in before surgery LOL ,but away just keep me in your prayers and i know god will be there will me all the way i hope i do good and i have look at other post and i wish you all well so good luck and god bless you all that read this post . nancy adkins [email protected]
Good luck Nancy! My thoughts and prayers are with you. Please let us all here know how things go. I am sure that you are incredibly anxious, I know that I sure am (and I don't even have a surgery date yet). LOL
God Bless,
Michele Davisson
[email protected]