Lap band surgery next Friday, August 28th
Greetings fellow mountaineers! I have been scheduled for lap band surgery on Friday, the 28th! I am excited and nervous too! I have really enjoyed reading the message boards and I have found out a great deal! I really appreciate the people who take the time to post encouragements to others! Thank you.
Thanks Pat! I went in today for my pre-op meeting. They answered a lot of questions, but I am sure I will have plenty more as I go along. They mentioned the angel program but I didn't know when I needed to sign up. I wonder if I can just call them tomorrow about it? I go in the hospital on Thursday and have to stay 2-3 days after surgery. I am on warfarin (coumadin) for life because of a bout with Pulmonary emboli in both lungs about 6 years ago. I have "thick" blood, so they extra days are just a precaution. I can't wait to have this surgery!
Thanks for making me feel welcome!
Thanks for making me feel welcome!