Off topic - had surgery...

on 5/30/09 8:41 am - Elkview, WV

Did you miss me?  Well, I am back.  I sure missed all of you.  Number one:  I am 127.2 pounds almost to my goal of 125 pounds!  I had to have surgery last week.  Was in the hospital for five days.  My surgeon let me me go home on the sixth day.  I was thankful that he is also the one that did my gastric bypass last November, 2008.  Anhow, I am still sore but, getting better every day.  Take care and God bless you!

Here is the information on what caused my problem and why I had surgery. My surgeon also did a colon resection.  I hope it explains it. No, it was not caused by my gastric bypass surgery.  Just something that has happened over the years.


A rectocele (pronounced /ˈrɛktəˌsil/, REK-tuh-seel) results from a tear in the rectovaginal septum (which is normally a tough fibrous sheet like divider between the rectum and vagina). Rectal tissue bulges through this tear, into the vagina, as a hernia. There are two main causes of this tear: childbirth and hysterectomy.

Symptoms of rectocele

Mild cases may simply produce a sense of pressure or protrusion within the vagina, and the occasional feeling that the rectum has not been completely emptied after a bowel movement. Moderate cases may involve difficulty passing stool (because the attempt to evacuate pushes the stool into the rectocele instead of out through the anus), discomfort or pain during evacuation or intercourse, constipation, and a general sensation that something is "falling down" or "falling out" within the pelvis. Severe cases may cause vaginal bleeding, intermittent fecal incontinence, or even the prolapse of the bulge through the mouth of the vagina, or rectal prolapse through the anus. Digital evacuation, or, manual pushing, on the posterior wall of the vagina helps to aid in bowel movement in a majority of cases of rectocele.


It can be caused by many factors, but the most common is childbirth, especially with babies over nine pounds in weight, or rapid births. The use of forceps is more likely a marker for the vaginal injury, than a direct cause of the tear. Episiotomy or lower vaginal tears play little role in the formation of a cystocele. The risk increases with the number of vaginal births, although it can also happen in women who have never borne a child.

A hysterectomy or other pelvic surgery can be a cause,[1] as can chronic constipation and straining to pass bowel movements. It is more common in older women than in younger ones; estrogen which helps to keep the pelvic tissues elastic decreases after menopause. Another cause which is sometimes overlooked in younger women is sexual abuse during childhood.

* Our family is a circle of love and strength. With every birth and every union, the circle grows. Every joy shared adds more love. Every obstacle faced together makes the circle stronger. The love of a family is life's greatest blessing.   
     I have reached my goal! Praying angel:9896

on 5/31/09 7:51 am
Joy - Oh I am so glad you posted.  I've been wondering how you were doing - you were definitely in my thoughts and prayers.  5 days in the hospital!! 

I can't believe you are almost down to your goal weight.  You look wonderful and the new pic is beautiful.   Take care of yourself, Joy.  Hugs, hugs, - Pat
on 5/31/09 9:37 am - Elkview, WV
Thank you Pat.  I gave you my phone number in  hopes you would call me sometime.  That is okay.  I am still sore but, am doing better today.  I have to go to Dr. Shinn Tuesday at 8:00 a.m. to get the staples removed.  Maybe I will see you there.


* Our family is a circle of love and strength. With every birth and every union, the circle grows. Every joy shared adds more love. Every obstacle faced together makes the circle stronger. The love of a family is life's greatest blessing.   
     I have reached my goal! Praying angel:9896

on 6/2/09 9:44 am

I got to the gym about 9:00 and was told I just missed you.  Keesha said you looked wonderful.  I am so glad you're up and about.  Take care - Pat

Cira S.
on 7/4/09 11:10 pm - Charles Town , WV
My dearest Joy!!!

I am so sorry to read that you had surgery,  I am so glad that you are back and doing great. 
I am sorry I have been missing in action myself.  But I am back and here to support who ever wants my support.  :-)

I also had surgery on June 25th I was feeling sick for about a month and half. When I would eat I would get pain in my belly like 30 minutes after finishing my food.  It wasn't so bad at first I thought I was suffering from gas pain.  But nothing would help it..  The pain would pass on it's own. Well on June 18th I got the pain again 30 minutes after eating but the pain was so bad that I was doubled over for like 1 1/2 hours.  I called my surgeon that night and he said he was going to call in two prescriptions for me in the morning.  I went to work that morning but I could not eat or drink anything. I tried to drink some coffee at work and I got the pain then I sipped on some water and girl that make me throw up and dry heave for like 10 minutes.  I decied to call my surgeon again he told me to go immediately to the hospital that he works out of.  I went and I spent the entire day until late night there after getting a CT Scan with contrast the only thing that showed that there was one small part in my small bowel that it was dilated.  Since there was no blockage I was released and sent home with the agreement that I will follow up with my surgeon within a few days. 
Well the very next day I got really sick again after eating a little bit and I called my surgeon that was on a Saturday. I got a call back with a nurse from the hospital telling me I was being a direct admit and gave me the room number and told me to get there by 7pm. 
So I was not allowed to drink or eat. I was on dilaudid for pain and Sunday no one was conducting any tests.  So Monday I had an endoscopy done all looked good no ulcers there. Then I had a GI Series and no blockage showed. Then my surgeon told me well maybe whatever you had probably passed so lets try you on liquids and see how you tolerate that. If you do well we will start you on solids and see if the pain comes back.  Well liquids was fine but 30 minutes after eating I was doubled over in pain and they had to shoot me up with dilaudid. My doctor suggested that I would have a laparascopic exploratory surgery to see if they can find what is going on.  They had two ideas one a hernia that was too small to detect in an x ray or that the second connection of where my small bowel is my have narrowed.  So on Wednesday I had surgery and they found that I had a defect on the mesentary wall of the small bowel (a hernia).  My small bowel was slipping in that hole and it was being pinched so when the food would get to that section it would cause that horrible pain. 

I was released the very next day. I felt like a truck ran over me but I am thankful to my wonderful Surgeon he is a God send!!!  I am recovering nicely and I only have miniml pain now.  I go back for a folow up on July 10th!

Oh and also you know I had gone back to work. I was commuting to Maryland an hour an  half each day. I was almost with Verizon for 4 months. Still under probation, guess what they did?  They got rid of me because Ithey have a three strike rule and I could not return back to work before the 3rd strike since I already had one tardy which made 1 strike against me already.  LOL Yeah ok my life is first!  I am glad to be back home and my babies missed me so much.  I barely had time to breathe or spent time with my family or my OH family.  Well, I am back and happy to be back!  LOL

Sorry for the long story!

take care and hope to see you the boards soon.

I am who I am and accept my feelings wholeheartedly.
Those that mind don't matter, and those that matter don't mind.

Cira 249/144.0 current/goal 154/ 5'3" 10 lbs below my Dr's goal
100Cira-1.jpg picture by negra266

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