New Member
Hi Donna!
Im fascinated... what is a vertical sleeve? I've seen it mentioned recently and wondered. I'm getting ready to restart my journey once I get back from vacation in Mid-August.... so hopefully I'll be seeing some of you here.
Lady Bug
Lap RNY 12/04/2007
313/236/150 (WOO HOO! I made it into the 30's! Next goal - the 20's!)
Age 54, 5'4"
Lap RNY 12/04/2007
313/236/150 (WOO HOO! I made it into the 30's! Next goal - the 20's!)
Age 54, 5'4"
Hi Barb,
With the gastric bypass they re-route your intestines to your new pouch. With the vertical sleeve there is no re-routing and no new pouch. They completely remove 90 % of your stomach. Your stomach is about as wide as your index finger, making it a straight "sleeve". I had a colostomy bag. Dr. Stickler was going to reverse it when he did my stomach surgery. He said re-routing the intestines and reversing the colostomy was to much, therefore the vertical sleeve was best for me. I was the first one in WV to have this kind of surgery.
Good luck with your journey. Would love to hear from you again!
Hi Donna,
I am glad to find a fellow member near me also!
I have lost 15 pounds so far without surgery. I have to lose 10% of my weight before the seminar this coming Thursday. Still have 11 more to go. It is difficult at times. You live in Boone County?
Small world, I was born in (Madison) many moons ago.