Dr Goldman leaving WVU Hospitals
I met Dr. McNatt while in Ruby Hospital.
I was a little dissuaded by some of the things Ann had to say to me at my last appointment. Everything seemed to be the opposite of what I had been told initially even though I am successful.
I guess I didn't want to change so soon after a major surgery and I was looking for something.
Thanks for you response.
How are you doing? Any complications?
Good Luck to you. It is well worth it!
I went to the initial seminar last December. I have been unable to get anyone to return a phone call since then. They always say they will pull my file and call me back, but it hasn't happned yet. I call about every other month. I don't know if I'm just not a candidate for the surgery, not assertive enough or what. I think I will try to call once more, then give it up. Apparently, they don't need the business too bad if they can ignore potential candidates!
Email Ann the current nutritionist.
[email protected]
She usually responds to me within a couple of days this way.
Good Luck on your journey!!!!

I just got my surgery date today.. they're really busy but they're still wonderful. Ann managed to get my paperwork approved less than a week after it was submitted, and my insurance is picky (Aetna) and so far they're pretty good :)

Highest/Consult/Pre-op/Surgery/Current/Goal! 310/281/259/247/240/170