poor turnout for central WV support group...
We had our first meeting of the central West Virginia WLS support group last night (3/21) and had a poor turnout. Anyone who comes is good word of mouth publicity for next month, but I had hopes of seeing at least 5 other people and it didn't work out that way...
I publipers plus the Trader's Guide. I put up notices on local bulletin boards. I have created a YahooGroup and put up a website... I post a note to Dr. Stickler's support group YahooGroup as well as to Dr. Shin's support group YahooGroup. I put up a note at Dr. Stickler's office even.
I did get a few phone calls after the newspapers came out last week... This is what got me to hoping for a decent turnout.... What am I maybe overlooking as far as ways to advertise this?? Any suggestions??
Feel free to email me about your support group. I'd love to help you if I can.
Beckley Weight Loss Surgery Support Group
[email protected]