still waiting for surgery
Hi there, this is my first time here. I have been on the road to surgery for about three years. I'm finally 98% approved. I am waiting on a pulmanary clearance. So many obsticles. I cant wait!!! I have had so many things to slow the proccess. I had a hysterectomy in march. YUCK!!! I am so close now just have to wait for the Dr. to write my clearance. How do I make the time go faster?
Hi Allison, sounds like you're wait is almost over. I understand your anxiety!! I had surgery on September 13, 2006 in Huntington and am doing very well! This is a great place to make the time go faster. I love to read the posts, recent and older, just to learn what I can from all those that are 'further' down the road. There is a lot of information here, and a lot of very informed, supportive people. Hang in there and you're time will be here soon. I wish you the best!!!