i am so nervous
Hi Lesley,
We are home from the hospital and things are a bit crazy. She came home on a feeding tube. I am learning how to be a nurse! I always wanted to be one when I was a little girl, now I am getting my chance.
Anyway the tube is not serious or dire, just trying to replace what she lost from being so ill.
We have tons of stuff going on right now. I have all of your gifts from April to December done, wrapped and packaged. I am going to mail them next week. Please open them in the month that they are labeled with. I am sending them all now b/c who knows what my life is going to be like and I don't want to miss another month of sending your gift!
God Bless,
Your pal in TX
Hi Robin.
Slow down and take a couple of deep breaths. Sometimes we can get caught up in our fears then the body takes over and keeps them going. I understand your fears. I'll be needing your sage advice when it is my turn. Remember that we are keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. It's like being surrounded by a circle of friends who are holding a vision of you safe in God's hands and overflowing with his love and healing powers. Your life can just get better and better...
(((Big Hugs,)))
Chris B