Guess who has a DATE!!!
hi jen,
Good Luck!hope you have an easy surgery and quick recovery. I am 9 days post op and the anticipation and fear and all the other crazy things that run through your head are worse than the actual surgery.The pain is bearable and everyday it gets better and better.Plus they give good pain meds.I had my surgery in the morn and was up and walkin by the afternoon.Try not to be afraid and follow all the doc/nut rules and you'll be fine I wish you the best and will see you on the losing side.Remember water, protien,walk.

Saggy skin is a very individual thing. I have lost 100 pounds and have only a little sag at my belly. My wife is at 80 pounds loss and she is probably going to have saggy skin.
The question that you should ask is, "Will I be healthier with significant weight loss?"
For both Mary and I, we would the surgery all over again without question. We are on vacation right now and there is no comparison between last year's vacation and this year's.
Go for it, but for the right reasons!