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Topic: RE: I
I'd love to be able to get back to Taekwondo. I love doing the foms ('kata' in karate), but if I can't do tkd I'll probably switch to T'ai Chi instead--it's a little easier on the joints.
Topic: RE: I need help deciding...
He went over my previous history, my weight, looked at my food choices and why I'm overweight (I overeat, but I'm not a huge sweets junkie like I was 10 years back), listened to my reasons for considering lap-band over rny, and pretty much agreed. I told him I strongly preferred lapband over rny but would consider rny if he really thought that would be substantially better, but he thought either would be fine in my case. My situation's a bit different because I'm an eye doctor, so we ended up talking 'medical' about statistics, advances in the lapband surgery, and changes in surgical technique over time more than rny vs. lapband.
If he had serious reservations about my decision or the reasons behind them, I have no doubt he would have advised me strongly about going for an rny instead, and I would have taken that recommendation very seriously. He strikes me as someone who is deeply committed to all his patients being successful at weight loss. I think he wants that as much for you as you want it for you, so he's not going to steer you wrong.
On November 11, 2009 at 8:46 PM Pacific Time, AlwaysHungry wrote:
Did Dr. Chua decide for you or did he let you pick what surgery you wanted? If he had serious reservations about my decision or the reasons behind them, I have no doubt he would have advised me strongly about going for an rny instead, and I would have taken that recommendation very seriously. He strikes me as someone who is deeply committed to all his patients being successful at weight loss. I think he wants that as much for you as you want it for you, so he's not going to steer you wrong.
Topic: RE: Anyone have revision surgery with Dr. Selwyn?
Hello there... I am also on the journey to having some kind of repair done for enlarged stoma. I have been checking in to the Dr. in Point, also checking lots of sites and not getting to far, but learning alot (sort of). I am always hungry and need to get some help to get things back in working order again. I wish you lots of luck.
Topic: RE: T-19 Badgercare United Hmo....
I am now 6 months out of surgery with the rny. I have t-19 and badgercare. I was so worked up because I was also told they never approve it. but on the first try they approved me! I just gave it a go and tried ,jumping through all the hoops they make you do. I figured i had nothing to lose(except the weight of course) if it's meant to be, it WILL happen. by the "weigh" I have lost 70 lbs in just under 6 months!
Topic: RE: Where's everyone from?
I live in Darien, in Waukesha and having surgery at Elmbrook Hospital
Topic: RE: Anyone have revision surgery with Dr. Selwyn?
Hey there
Thanks for letting me hear your story. Sounds like you have had quite a time. I am pursuing a revision but proceeding very carefully.
Take care and good luck,
Thanks for letting me hear your story. Sounds like you have had quite a time. I am pursuing a revision but proceeding very carefully.
Take care and good luck,
Topic: RE: Where's everyone from?
From Eau Claire! Having surgery in Marshfield on December 7th. You can add me if you want.