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on 1/5/10 1:39 pm - Kenosha, WI
Topic: RE: dr. chua
On January 5, 2010 at 6:41 PM Pacific Time, AlwaysHungry wrote:

My procedure was just completed by Dr. Chua and I feel great.  Prior to the surgery, Dr. Chua did tell me all about the potential complications.  Previous surgeries can affect what is being done.  Scar tissue can be very tough for a surgeon to navigate. 

Welcome to the Loser's Bench!  I hope you're feeling better than even a few days ago. :)
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on 1/5/10 1:12 pm - WI
Topic: Dr. Weiland in Wausau
Has anyone gone to Dr. Weiland?  What surgery did you have and how was your experience?  I have heard great things about him from people around town, but just curious what others have to say.  Thanks
on 1/5/10 12:54 pm - WI
Topic: RE: Where's everyone from?
I live by Wausau.  I am planning on RNY by Dr. Weiland in Wausau at Aspirus Hospital in June 2010.
on 1/5/10 10:41 am - Sheboygan, WI
Topic: RE: dr. chua

My procedure was just completed by Dr. Chua and I feel great.  Prior to the surgery, Dr. Chua did tell me all about the potential complications.  Previous surgeries can affect what is being done.  Scar tissue can be very tough for a surgeon to navigate. 

on 1/5/10 10:33 am - Sheboygan, WI
Topic: RE: I received my insurance approval today.
Actually, I was so high there I did not have much time to have anxiety.  I am feeling a lot better.  I am still a bit tender but overall I am feeling pretty good.  So far everything is going well.  Tonight, my wife and kids had turkey brats and some taco dip.  I had pureed V8 squash soup.  I tried some pureed canned salmon, kind of like a tuna sandwich type thing, I think it was a bit adventurous at this stage.  I keep changing up the protein shakes by adding a 1/2 of banana or a pinch on natural peanut butter. 

Oh yeah, I can't believe it but I am down almost 20lbs already!  It is strange to eat and actually be satified and not searching for something 20 minutes later.  I always wanted to be one of those people that could go and just have a side salad and be happy.

on 1/5/10 10:22 am - Sheboygan, WI
Topic: RE: Does anybody have a good source for vitamins?
Thank you.  My understanding is citrate is digestable without the aid of stomach acid...  ala RNY like I had. 
on 1/5/10 10:06 am - Kenosha, WI
Topic: RE: dr. chua
On December 19, 2009 at 12:21 PM Pacific Time, Onmyway04 wrote:
I think you should see this post:

Not trying to scare you...Just so see all your information.  This girl looks like she is a revision from Lapbad to DS and it hasn't been a great experience.
While I understand the concern and hope she got appropriate help, I don't think we're getting the whole story accurately.  Some of what she says doesn't make sense with what I know.  I had a good friend who had to have emergency surgery for a hernia and trapped bowel, and my mother-in-law had a bowel infarction that killed off a good portion of her intestines and also required emergency surgery.  Both of them were in such bad pain, and vomiting so severely, and were so incredibly sick  that there was absolutely no ignoring it.  You can have a partial blockage and not need _emergency_ surgery.  I'm sure if it had become an emergency, he would have jumped on it right away.

The tubing may have been left in because there was so much scar tissue around it that taking it out would require too much more surgery time--and thus keeping her under anesthesia that much longer.  Remember, she'd been under a very long time already.  Removing it might have been more risk than benefit.  The tubing is meant to stay in us, after all, so leaving it there is not necessarily a bad thing.  It's not ideal, but if removing it would have meant more complications and scarring, he might have opted to leave it as the less risky thing.

Without knowing all the facts in this case, it's extremely difficult to decide if he is indeed at fault of anything.  Hopefully the girl did get her medical problems resolved quickly. 
I'm proud to be a Geeky Mom, and read about it here (clicky)!

on 1/5/10 9:40 am - Kenosha, WI
Topic: RE: Finally made it to onederland
Awesome!! Congrats on making it!
I'm proud to be a Geeky Mom, and read about it here (clicky)!

on 1/5/10 9:36 am - Kenosha, WI
Topic: RE: I received my insurance approval today.
Congrats!  The anxiety is totally normal.  Hope your surgery went very well.  The team at Sinai is just terrific.
I'm proud to be a Geeky Mom, and read about it here (clicky)!

on 1/5/10 9:34 am - Kenosha, WI
Topic: RE: Does anybody have a good source for vitamins?
I use OptiSource vitamins from Walgreens as my multivitamin.  It probably has a bit more in the vitamin department than I need since I had lapband instead of a malapsorption-based surgery, but the vitamin works.  My aunt, who had RNY 9 years ago, swears by them.  She's never had any bad blood levels when taking these, and my levels last month were terrific.  I believe it has calcium carbonate instead of calcium citrate in it, however.
I'm proud to be a Geeky Mom, and read about it here (clicky)!

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