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Hello all my fellow wisconsinites!!
Doing ok here...I hit 100lbs lost and bounced back up 2 pounds...story of my life..LOL.
Still rocking my running, weightlifting and whatnot. Feeling excellent except for the fact that although my hair is no longer falling's in NO hurry to grow back.
I'm headed for the courthouse and the beach....later all
My insurance at first said that they wouldn't pay for anything weight loss... PERIOD! Except that where it pertains to weight loss surgery, then they would pay as long as I jumped through their assorted hoops and as long as I have a BMI that's over 40 and I have at least one complication such as diabetes.
Are you sure it doesn't cover anything? Even if your BMI is high and you have other health risks due to the obesity? Ask for it in writing. I know there are insurance companies still out there that don't pay but make positively sure before you get too discouraged.
Also, some bariatric clinics have a way of financing it plus they have some type of insurance for any complications that might arise.
I also have WPS with Milwaukee County, Dr. Regan office submit the paper work on June 30th and the approval came July 7th and my d-date is August the 4th
Check with Marshfield Clinic. They have support great support groups and they can help you find one.
OK, so I have been thinking about surgery and researching forever and now have re-located and settled in and decided now is the time. I called my new insurance thru my employer, Physicians Plus, and they do not cover anything related to weight loss. Period. They do not even have an authorization or appeal process for it. Great. I have always considered having the LAPBand, since it is reversible and adjustible and seems to have fewer and less severe complications. Most times LAPBand is self-pay, so I have been thinking about that. But, then, I was talking so some friends and they were talking about the LAPBand and self paying, and what if there are complications, and the fills..and being financially responsible for all of it...and then I started thinking about the gastric bypass..especially if insurance would cover it...the thought of losing more weight in a more timely manner was appealing, although I have an acquaintance who has had near fatal complications, which scares me to death. Now getting confirmation that insurance is a no-go, I am feeling like it will never happen for me. Any advice???
Hi My name is Dawn and I live in appleton and I was wondering if you know of any support groups or do you go to any I had the lap rny in wausau on march 12 th 2008 and was looking for a support group
Hi my name is Dawn and I had my lap rny on march 12th 2008 and I live in wisconsin near the fox cities and was wondering if anyone else live in this area who can let me know of a support group I had my surgery in Wausua and was looking for some local ones you may email me at [email protected] also wondering how you all are doing if you had surgery around the 12 of march
I had an awesome weekend in Milwaukee with my best friend, no husbands or kids. We had a great time. I have my third visit with the dietician this Thursday, and I have been doing really well with eating. In fact, I am probably not eating enough. I have some personal things going on (good things), that has made my appetite almost non existent.
Denise-congrats on the weight loss, way to go, keep it up. Take care of that sunburn. I have had some skin cancers removed, so I always warn people to use sunscreen.
Stay away from sugars and carbs. You can have some carbs in moderation.. but don't sit down to a spaghetti dinner!
Avoid snacking. But if you feel the need to cruch, look more towards your veggies. Fruits are nummy but have a lot of natural carbs. You also have to be careful with your fruits because of the natural sugars... you might dump off of them. I haven't dumped off of any fruits yet.
Yogurt, cheese, and SF jellow and SF popcicles.
Remember to drink 64 + oz of water a day and 65 grams protien minimum.
Remember to take all of your vitamins, multi vitamins, B complex, B12, calcium citrate, iron.
Weigh and measure your food if you are unsure of the amount, and eat slow! No drinking 20 minutes before or 30 minutes after your protien meals.