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on 6/24/09 12:39 pm - WI
Topic: RE: Today I got a call from Dr Chua office to schedule appt with him
HOw long does it take to get that specific test back to see if you do have the bacteria. I am concern about this unknown enlarged spleen on the ultrasound. The nurse practioner who order the test since my dr was out that day order the test. She wasn't concern about it said to follow up with my doctor which i have appt schedule at the end of July. But may have to reschedule earlier in the month if my surgery gets approve. Then I will have to go for exam for surgery. Right? My regular dr has to release for the surgery right? 

I was suprised to get in so fast. As I been waitingn for them to call me for the last 2 weeks when I finish my 6 month supervised diet. They gave me the date they had available. Wonder how long it takes Dr Chua office to get the stuff out to the insurance company. Do they send in the mail or fax to the insurance company?

He has all my records she said I had a very big file. YEP sure do! Any ways I told them about the test I had and want to see if he would like the results and they said fine.
Robin from Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Distal gastric bypass 7/28/09
6 month supervised diet done lost over 50 lbs pre-surgery
My facebook page is:  (just put that you are from OH in message to add you to my facebook)     
       View more of my photos at

August 2010 weight 138 lbs lost of 179.5 lbs but gain again since my gallbladder surgery Oct 2010 range recentlly my weight got up to 166 and I was in freak mode. I am now down to 152.6 hoping to get back to 135 and started generic wellbutrin
on 6/24/09 12:30 pm - milwaukee, WI
Topic: RE: Today I got a call from Dr Chua office to schedule appt with him
if it is the test i think it is then its no problem.  you blow air into this special bag, drink some bitter lemonade stuff i kinda liked it, and then blow into another special bag.  they are testing for bacteria and stuff in your stomach.  i think the worst part of all the preop testing was when i had to drink the barrium for my upper gi testing.  nothing like thick pasty chalk first thing in the morning.  i went for the test at 7am.  they are pretty good at getting your surgery scheduled right away too once you get approved.  but i actually picked a date that was a month away on purpose because thats when my mom was off in case i needed help.  i havent a clue as to how long it took me to get approved i think it was like a week i don't remember.  that all seems so long ago now.  so sit back and enjoy the ride its all gonna start moving from this point on.  and i can't believe you get to see dr chua on the 30th the first available appointment i could get for a follow up was july 17th.  anywho enjoy
on 6/24/09 11:30 am - WI
Topic: RE: Today I got a call from Dr Chua office to schedule appt with him
What is the test you are talkign about. She mention the name but already forgot the name. I know you cant have anything to drink, eat or smoke for 1 hour prior to seeing him. Something to do with the stomach I think. It took 6 months to get to this point. I hope sometime in July to have this done and over with. I want to be down to 250 by my 45th birthday which is August 17th the same day my kids go back to school. And if I get the surgery in July the kids will still be in summer day camp so my hubby wouldnt' have to worry about them as well. So keeping my fingers cross that i get approved and get it done sometime in July.
Robin from Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Distal gastric bypass 7/28/09
6 month supervised diet done lost over 50 lbs pre-surgery
My facebook page is:  (just put that you are from OH in message to add you to my facebook)     
       View more of my photos at

August 2010 weight 138 lbs lost of 179.5 lbs but gain again since my gallbladder surgery Oct 2010 range recentlly my weight got up to 166 and I was in freak mode. I am now down to 152.6 hoping to get back to 135 and started generic wellbutrin
on 6/24/09 10:56 am - Chula Vista, CA
Topic: RE: Today I got a call from Dr Chua office to schedule appt with him

Sounds like thing are rolling right along.  Have you had the H.Pilori test?  That's probably what test they are giving you.  I don't remember any other test causing me to fast for Dr. Chua's office.

They will send Dr. Chua everything he requests, so you won't need to go get the films, unless you feel more comfortable doing so.  I personally had everything put in a binder with tab pages and everything.  Every test, medical records, all the packet paperwork, etc.  But, they had most of the stuff - I'm glad I did and made an exact copy for myself b/c when they sent it over, they missed a fax to the insurance company and I was able to tell them where in the packet it was to have them refax it over.

It takes a few days for them to get everything together and faxed over to the insurance company and depending on the insurance company it can take up to a week or two to hear something.  I had TriCare, and they usually only take a couple of days, I was impatient and called and found out that they were missing the one test, so I called Dr. Chua's office, had them refax it and was approved the next day.  As soon as I was approved by Tricare and Dr. Chua's office was notified, I was scheduled for surgery 2 weeks later.  It goes FAST! 

I personally take Miralax every single day!  It is the only way I don't get backed up.  I also eat quite a bit of fruit.  I can tolerate fruit sugars, but regular sugar and some substitues cause me to dump.   When I was first out, I took stool dulcolax and suppositories, but I finally found Miralax and it is the only thing that keeps me regular and comfortable.  Everyone is different, so you'll have to work with your system to figure it out... :o)

Good luck at your appointment!  Things are moving right along!!  YEAH!

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on 6/24/09 10:43 am - WI
Topic: Today I got a call from Dr Chua office to schedule appt with him
Finally after 2 weeks waiting for Dr Chua office to call. I got the call this afternoon. I have appt with him on Tuesday June 30th at 2 pm. They are sending another packet of stuff to be filed out. Also they said not to eat or drink anything 1 hour prior to coming for the appointment. What is this test they are going to do? Does it hurt or have to drink something gross? Also what are these forms they will be sending me? I just had ultrasound last week to see if I had gallstones as I was having pain in my upper right part of my stomach under my ribs. Well they called today no gallstones. Everything was normal except I have enlarge spleen! What does that mean? Will this stop the surgery? I called my dr office back ask for it to be fax to me so I can bring it to my appt or fax it myself to Dr Chua office. Well they said they would and here I am still waiting for it to be fax. hmm. Should I pick up the films from it to bring to him so he can see for himself besides the written report. I also had blood work done to see if there were other problems and everything came out fine. I do have low iron it is at 11 something and the low end of the scale is 12 I believe. But I wasn't put on any iron supplements. I am taking the bariatric advantage multi vitamin chewable already. I am also trying out the protein drinks as well. So now the doctor thinks the pain was due to my constipation problem. I take miralax as needed for it. I also been eating apples, popcorn, and fiber one bars. Nothing seems to be helping. So I pick up some benefiber stick packs to add to my water bottle. That still hasnt' done anything but give me uncomfortable feeling in my stomach. And I also pick up some metamucil. Haven't try it yet. I am drinking water and also special k protein water it also has fiber in it.
How long is this appointment? How long does it take to get a decision back? Do they send it out right away. And with the 4th of July weekend coming up. As I see the surgeon on the 30th of June. How long does it take to get surgery schedule after you are approved? When are the test order for the surgery? 
Robin from Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Distal gastric bypass 7/28/09
6 month supervised diet done lost over 50 lbs pre-surgery
My facebook page is:  (just put that you are from OH in message to add you to my facebook)     
       View more of my photos at

August 2010 weight 138 lbs lost of 179.5 lbs but gain again since my gallbladder surgery Oct 2010 range recentlly my weight got up to 166 and I was in freak mode. I am now down to 152.6 hoping to get back to 135 and started generic wellbutrin
on 6/24/09 10:13 am - wauwatosa, WI
Topic: RE: Weight Gain of 40 lbs.
Smooches!!!!!   Thank you so much for your reply.  It does help to hear some constructive advice from someone who understands.  I will definitely look for the channel and I have the rubber bands they gave me from Phys Therapy for my foot.  I can use that too.  I will also look for the low cal snacks and drink the water and wait.  These are all things I have NOT tried yet.  Thanks again.  Very much appreciated.  I will keep ya posted............
on 6/24/09 2:56 am - Chula Vista, CA
Topic: RE: I be a newbie...............
Welcome Newbie!!  Glad to see you out here and you are doing well! 

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on 6/23/09 2:14 pm - WI
Topic: RE: I be a newbie...............
welcome to the wisconsin board. Hope to hear more about your surgery and how Dr chua is.

You can also find me on facebook file

Robin from Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Distal gastric bypass 7/28/09
6 month supervised diet done lost over 50 lbs pre-surgery
My facebook page is:  (just put that you are from OH in message to add you to my facebook)     
       View more of my photos at

August 2010 weight 138 lbs lost of 179.5 lbs but gain again since my gallbladder surgery Oct 2010 range recentlly my weight got up to 166 and I was in freak mode. I am now down to 152.6 hoping to get back to 135 and started generic wellbutrin
on 6/23/09 9:29 am - Sheboygan, WI
Topic: I be a newbie...............
I be a newbie,  I had surgery a week ago and am looking for  people to chat with or message.  So far I am doing well on my own  but  support is always a good thing

Lois S.
on 6/20/09 11:19 pm - Neenah, WI
Topic: RE: Weight Gain of 40 lbs.
Sorry to hear about your foot and the pain that doesn't go away.  t must be very hard.  As for some advise (and you can take it or leave it), here is my suggestion for you.  First of all, you need to remember that your surgery is only a tool and you are in charge of howwell it will work. So, with the snacking stuff... if it isn't in the house, you can't eat it, right?  Get the bad stuff out of the house now! Get back to basics of lean protein, eating regular meals and only 1 small snack in between them (I try for 100 calories or less, and there are a ton of things out there!)  Have snacks like sugar free pudding and Knox Blox around to snack on. They will also help you get fluids. When you think you need or want food, drink 8 oz of water or something non-calorie and wait 20 minutes. If you are still hungry, then try a small snack. Exercising doesn't have to be vigorous. Have you tried the public tv Sit and Be Fit program?  It's all about sitting in a chair, but the key is to move.  If you have Direct TV, see if you have a channel called FitTV.  It's all fitness and health all day.  Do what you can from a chair or the floor.  There are tons of things on there. I also keep 5 lb weights and exercise rubber bands next to my chair, so if I am watching tv, I can do random things with them as well and it doesn't feel like exercise.  Finally, if you get out anywhere, either alone or with someone, don't bring any money or any way of getting money along. That way you can't buy unnecessary snacks along the way.  I hope this helps you and doesn't sound preachy, but I really feel for you and hope you get back on track.  If you need any support, I have big shoulders and love new friends!  Take care!
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