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on 7/5/09 5:11 am - WI
Topic: Could I have a case for lawsuit
About to weeks ago I feel down about five steps at the Bradley Center. Whacked my right leg pretty hard on the metal stairs. Earlier this week the bruise was just around the point of impact. Now the bruise goes from the point of impact to right below the knee all the way to the side of my foot. I don't know what made me fall my son who was walking in front of me said that the stairs were slippery I myself cant remember.  An EMT asked if I was good or if I needed treatment.  I said I was alright which I was except for a little pain  in my right leg. Well it was sore for about  5 days and I could finally put weight on it flat footed(I had been walking on the side of foot cause the inside of the right leg hurt when I would walk flat foot.  Well a week had gone by and the bruising set in just around the point of impact just below the knee and now the bruise is moving down my leg a little farther each day it ha**** my foot now.  I have not been to doc but will be going tomorrow to have it checked out.  Depending on what my doc says will determine if I try to take legal action if they have to do surgery I will for sure start the legal proceedings.
on 7/4/09 4:23 pm - WI
Topic: Waiting on approval from United health care-T19
Has anyone had united health care T-19 before? Do you know how long it takes for approval. Dr Chua told me a month. I hope it don't take that long!!! I wll go nuts waiting for the mail or for the phone to ring. I saw Dr Chua on June 30th. Now I am just waiting!
Robin from Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Distal gastric bypass 7/28/09
6 month supervised diet done lost over 50 lbs pre-surgery
My facebook page is:  (just put that you are from OH in message to add you to my facebook)     
       View more of my photos at

August 2010 weight 138 lbs lost of 179.5 lbs but gain again since my gallbladder surgery Oct 2010 range recentlly my weight got up to 166 and I was in freak mode. I am now down to 152.6 hoping to get back to 135 and started generic wellbutrin
on 7/1/09 3:00 am - WI
Topic: RE: Today I got a call from Dr Chua office to schedule appt with him
Well I called Dr Chua office this morning. The reason they didn't do the Breath tek test. Because of my insurance they can't bill in the same day so have to come back for it. Was going to do it today. I told her I stop the prevacid the next day after getting the letter to stop reflux meds 2 weeks prior. So since it was only since Saturday. I have to wait to July 14th to come back and do that test. At least I don't have to do the ultrasound since I had one previously.

He said he will perform the distal gastric bypass. He is going to bypass a little bit more since I have constipation problems he doesn't want to go much as then it is more malasorption. So he said he ususally does 100/100 with me he is going to do 100/150 so making that one side 50 shorter if that makes sense to anyone. He said I shouldn't have any problems getting this approved.

Well I came home last night and told my hubby the good news. He tells me he don't want me to have it. I told him there is nothing to worry about. I was told that I will probably go off my diabetes meds 1 month after surgery and hopefully the others will follow. He also told me that I will be in the hospital 2 nights. He said sometimes he does 1 night but because of all my health problems he wants to make sure they keep on eye on me one extra night. Which is fine with me. Glad he is taking precautions. Also the filter to prevent blood clots as well.

Well now it is in the hands of the insurance company. Time is ticking!
Robin from Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Distal gastric bypass 7/28/09
6 month supervised diet done lost over 50 lbs pre-surgery
My facebook page is:  (just put that you are from OH in message to add you to my facebook)     
       View more of my photos at

August 2010 weight 138 lbs lost of 179.5 lbs but gain again since my gallbladder surgery Oct 2010 range recentlly my weight got up to 166 and I was in freak mode. I am now down to 152.6 hoping to get back to 135 and started generic wellbutrin
on 6/30/09 1:47 pm - WI
Topic: RE: Today I got a call from Dr Chua office to schedule appt with him
Well he said my chances are really good. I ask him will my insurance pay for the rny? And he said yes with all the health problems I have. I should not have any problems at all. I ask him how long does it take for insurance to approve he told me a month. I hope it is sooner. Then I ask him how long does it take from there to get surgery date. He said from now to sugery could be one month to a month and half. He also said that he is going to do IVC filter and he goes down thru the neck at the time of surgery. The personal assistant came in first and she ask if insurance what would be my second choice either the lap band or VBG. I told her I didn't want to have the lap band didn't want to have to come in all the time for fills. I want something permanent and something to help put my diabetes, and many other medical problems in remission. So now I guess I wait and see. The waiting game has begun. He said to take biotin for my hair loss. And he isn't going to take out my gallbladder as it is fine. He look at the films I brought in today as well from the ultrasound I had recently. So that is one less test I have to take.

Oh the weird thing is that I didn't do the test I was supposed too. Wonder if he forget as they told me nothing to drink or eat one hour prior to appt. Hmm going to call them tomorrow.
Robin from Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Distal gastric bypass 7/28/09
6 month supervised diet done lost over 50 lbs pre-surgery
My facebook page is:  (just put that you are from OH in message to add you to my facebook)     
       View more of my photos at

August 2010 weight 138 lbs lost of 179.5 lbs but gain again since my gallbladder surgery Oct 2010 range recentlly my weight got up to 166 and I was in freak mode. I am now down to 152.6 hoping to get back to 135 and started generic wellbutrin
on 6/29/09 11:20 pm - WI
Topic: RE: Today I got a call from Dr Chua office to schedule appt with him
WELL TODAY I GO SEE DR CHUA AT 2 PM!  I went to pick up ultrasound films for him to see as well. So maybe I won't need that one for the pre surgery since I just had it done on June 18th. I was having pain in my right upper stomach just turns out to be mildly enlarged spleen. I also fax him the report last week as well as well as the blood work. So hopefully he can shed some light on this for me.

So what questions should I be asking him today????

Robin from Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Distal gastric bypass 7/28/09
6 month supervised diet done lost over 50 lbs pre-surgery
My facebook page is:  (just put that you are from OH in message to add you to my facebook)     
       View more of my photos at

August 2010 weight 138 lbs lost of 179.5 lbs but gain again since my gallbladder surgery Oct 2010 range recentlly my weight got up to 166 and I was in freak mode. I am now down to 152.6 hoping to get back to 135 and started generic wellbutrin
on 6/29/09 11:45 am - Milwaukee suburb, WI
Topic: RE: If you were self pay, how much did you pay and where?
I paid $12k for an open duodenal switch in Mexico in March with Dr. Ungson.  Laparscopic would have been $14k

HW / SW / CW / GW      299 / 287160 / 140     Feb '09 / Mar '09 / Dec '13 /Aug '10          

Appendicitis/Bowel Obstruction Surgery 8/21/10
Beat Hodgkin's Lymphoma!  7/15/2011 - 1/26/2012 

Ran Half-Marathon 10/14/2012

First Pregnancy, Due 8/12/14                             I LOVE MY DS!!!

on 6/27/09 10:17 am - WI
Topic: RE: Today I got a call from Dr Chua office to schedule appt with him
Tasha at least you didn't have to go the 6 month supervised diet like I did and just still waiting yet. As who knows how long united health care t-19 will take to make there decision. I hope it isn't to long. Would be nice to have it in July since my birthday is August 17th which is the same day my kids go back to school. Yep the school gave me a birthday present and that is them going to school! Right now they are in summer day camp there last day is July 30th. So at least they will be somewhere if I am having my surgery. This will make it less stressful for my husband. As he will be up at the hospital with me. Along with one of his sisters so he has someone to be with him and also to drive him since he don't drive. And they would have to get the kids as well. So not only do I have to prepare myself. I have to make sure that everything is in order at home with medications for my kids and hubby. And also the food shopping done as well. Plus a plan for who will get the kids and so on. Luckily they are older they are 11 and 14. My 14 yr son understands what is going on. But my 11 yr daughter has no clue. She has autism. When I had my knee surgery in March of this  year she didn't even ask any questions where I was or anything. My son on the other hand had very high anxiety and was constantly making sure all the doors were locked. He also would not stay in his room alone either. Had to be with some one at all times. And this one will be different since I won't be coming home for a couple of days. This will be hard on him. He doesn't even like to leave me to go camping with his school. I have to talk him into it and tell him that mom and dad need a break from you two and need time alone. He has high functioning autism and bipolar disorder. We had some very rough years when he was younger. Luckily the last 3 yrs been alot smoother. His meds have been working for him the last 3 yrs. But who knows what these teen years will bring. Both the kids struggle with there weight too. And I hope they will learn from my mistakes of being obese and want to be fit and healthy. I don't want them have to go thru what I have for years. I want our whole family to be healthy. And for that to happen. I have to take care of me first! I have never put myself first before. It has always been my kids and my husband who is disabled. He is bipolar and had neck surgery and 2 back surgery's. With many other medical problems as well. I spend alot of time taking the 3 of them to doctor appts. And lately myself as well. lol
well I will update more when I know more on Tuesday afternoon when I see Dr Chua at 2 pm. I can't wait to see him. I wish tomorrow was Tuesday already.
Robin from Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Distal gastric bypass 7/28/09
6 month supervised diet done lost over 50 lbs pre-surgery
My facebook page is:  (just put that you are from OH in message to add you to my facebook)     
       View more of my photos at

August 2010 weight 138 lbs lost of 179.5 lbs but gain again since my gallbladder surgery Oct 2010 range recentlly my weight got up to 166 and I was in freak mode. I am now down to 152.6 hoping to get back to 135 and started generic wellbutrin
on 6/26/09 4:46 pm - Milwaukee, WI
Topic: RE: Today I got a call from Dr Chua office to schedule appt with him
Man I kinda wish I did not open my big mouth with the nutrionist and tell her I wanted to try to lose 10 pds before surgery because now I have to have a second appt with her on jully 20th and I can't schedule with Dr Chua until I see her I want a date for sometime in Aug I have my pysch appt on July 1st I really hate the waiting game it sucks. I just feel like my life will be 100 times better after surgery I am just so eager to be under 200pds it seems unreal for me at this point I am really trying to say postitive Good Luck Robin I hope you here something back soon.
on 6/26/09 3:47 am - WI
Topic: RE: Today I got a call from Dr Chua office to schedule appt with him
Well I did get my doctor to fax me the ultrasound report and the blood work as well. The ultrasound said it was unremarkable except for the mild splenomegaly. My hemoglobin was 11.2 which is low normal is 12.0-15.5. wbc was 9.5, rbc was 4.27 in normal limits. MCHC 30.9 low normal rangel 32.0-36.5, RDWCV 15.5 was high 11.0-15.0 is normal range. My chloride was 97 normal range is 98.7, carbon dioxide was 31 on high side normal is 22-30 My glucose was 71 and this was late afternoon :) Bun was 13 and creatine is great at 0.82. I use to have problems with my creatine when I was on metformin now I am byetta and it brought my creatine back to normal. So hopefully I have put my renal insuffiency back to normal. My kidney doctor will like to see this blood work. I should fax that to her. As I know she want to see me before I have my surgery as well.

It has been a very long 6 months. I struggle with my weight loss this last month. I plateau this month and have gain some weight back. I am very frustrated when I work so hard these last 6 months. To see the weight creeping back scares me.

I also notice that when I am taking a shower my hair is shedding on my body when I was it. Am I losing my hair already? This is not a good sign?? What do I need to do to stop shedding my hair. I don't color my hair, blow dry or curl my hair. I am just a wash and go type gal! My hair is usually very thick. When I get it cut even though it don't look like I have alot of hair since I wear it short. They always comment on how much I do have even though it is short. But now it feels like it is thining out. Go figure I lose weight and lose hair off my head too. hmm. I am already taking the bariatric advantage multi vitamin, started citricual thinks thats spelled right (calcium citrate) vitamins last night. I don't care for the bariatric advantage calicium mint ones. Got a whole bottle of them and they taste like toothpaste. Gross!

The nurse practioner told me to add fiber and she told me use metamucil but don't like the taste. so I am taking the benefiber and adding the stick packs to my water. Also took some miralax last night as well. I was able to go twice yesterday and actually pass gas. Haven't pass gas in a long time. My upper stomach still seems swollen.

So I guess it is all up to the insurance company now after I see Dr Chua. I heard they have up to a month to make a decision. Sometimes they will give a decision in 2 weeks sometimes a couple of days. I hope it is just a couple of days. Would be nice to find out before July 4th that I am approved. So keeping my fingers crossed that I am approved.
Robin from Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Distal gastric bypass 7/28/09
6 month supervised diet done lost over 50 lbs pre-surgery
My facebook page is:  (just put that you are from OH in message to add you to my facebook)     
       View more of my photos at

August 2010 weight 138 lbs lost of 179.5 lbs but gain again since my gallbladder surgery Oct 2010 range recentlly my weight got up to 166 and I was in freak mode. I am now down to 152.6 hoping to get back to 135 and started generic wellbutrin
on 6/24/09 12:50 pm - milwaukee, WI
Topic: RE: Today I got a call from Dr Chua office to schedule appt with him
the test is pretty instant i think it took like 5 minutes and they had results.  its done right there in the office.  i have no idea who or if you need to be released to chua for surgery.  my docotr just wrote my letter of medical necessity and that was all i needed him for.  except for bein fat i was healthy.  i do believe they fax to the insurance company but i'm not 100% sure.  but i'm i'm pretty sure. i've seen my file there and it looked small i don't think i have alot in mine but then again i am only 24. 
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