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on 7/9/09 7:29 pm - WI
Topic: RE: Could I have a case for lawsuit
hmmmm.....not really sure what your "legal proceedings" will be?  You, yourself  "don't remember" what caused the fall.  You had an EMT check you out and you refused treatment telling him you were "alright".  If in fact it was soooo bad that you were unable to walk without "pain", then why didn't you go seek medical attention right away?  And just a little side note for you on bruising, a bruise is blood that pools at the sight of an injury caused from little tiny broken blood vessels that happen whenever there is some sort of trauma to any given area (whether the trauma minor or major).  When the blood pools to any given extremity, given some time, with gravity the blood moves down making your "bruise" move down as well.

I truly hope that your not injured.  But I also don't believe you have any legal case for this fall.
on 7/7/09 9:52 am - Delafield, WI
Topic: RE: I need a little help
Stalls can happen give it another week or two, when this happens to me with in two weeks the stall brakes and then I lose around 8 pounds right away.
Hey Jules
on 7/7/09 9:50 am
Topic: RE: I need a little help
 Yes, eat more! Your body is in starvation mode, especially since you've started exercising. It's holding on to every little calorie it can to fuel your activities.

Congrats on the weight loss so far!

, Jules

                         brokenwings.jpg image by heyjules77

5'8", 150cm C.C. - HW 289/SW 275/CW 150/GW 164      I  my DS!!!

on 7/7/09 9:47 am - Delafield, WI
Topic: RE: Could I have a case for lawsuit
I think if you would have went to the doc either that day or the next but not a week later and did you notify the Bradley Center that you hurt yourself on their property? Just my 2 cents 
on 7/7/09 7:10 am - Sheboygan, WI
Topic: I need a little help
It's only been three weeks since my surgery,  I of last week I have lost 22 pounds which is great.  But today when  I went to weigh in I didn't lost anything. Not one ounce,  the reason I don't understand this is I started walking  at least four days last week and I went swimming one day.  Beside all the other house work i did.  I am following the diet and I know probably not eating enough because I always feel little headed and tired. 
on 7/6/09 2:34 pm - WI
Topic: RE: Drunks Suck! (venting)
your welcome my friend. I am teaching my 14 yr son to walk away from things that make him frustrated and mad. Its a hard thing for him especially with the bipolar and other disorder he has. But he is learning now. Before he would just snap and go off big time.

Well keep in touch miss you on the boards. Feel free to contact me anytime. I also am on facebook the link is in my signature too.

take care,

Robin from Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Distal gastric bypass 7/28/09
6 month supervised diet done lost over 50 lbs pre-surgery
My facebook page is:  (just put that you are from OH in message to add you to my facebook)     
       View more of my photos at

August 2010 weight 138 lbs lost of 179.5 lbs but gain again since my gallbladder surgery Oct 2010 range recentlly my weight got up to 166 and I was in freak mode. I am now down to 152.6 hoping to get back to 135 and started generic wellbutrin
Lois S.
on 7/6/09 9:16 am - Neenah, WI
Topic: RE: Drunks Suck! (venting)
Thanks, Robin! It's great to hear from you! I don't think I come across as someone who thinks really highly of herself, because I am my own biggest critic! I feel better about myself and the things I accomplish, but they are purely personal and I think I have a little right to be happy for myself.  Anyway, his "truth serum" hurt. I'm just waiting in fear and apprehension for the next time I see him again.  Thanks for your hugs!
on 7/5/09 1:33 pm - WI
Topic: RE: I be a newbie...............
So how are you doing post op now? HOw much weight have you lost?
Robin from Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Distal gastric bypass 7/28/09
6 month supervised diet done lost over 50 lbs pre-surgery
My facebook page is:  (just put that you are from OH in message to add you to my facebook)     
       View more of my photos at

August 2010 weight 138 lbs lost of 179.5 lbs but gain again since my gallbladder surgery Oct 2010 range recentlly my weight got up to 166 and I was in freak mode. I am now down to 152.6 hoping to get back to 135 and started generic wellbutrin
on 7/5/09 1:29 pm - WI
Topic: RE: Drunks Suck! (venting)
Hey Lois, Long time since we chatted. WOW I am so sorry this happen to you! (((Hugs)))

Just remember when people are drunk they dont' know what they are saying and can be mean and obnoxius. If i spell that right. vent away we are here for you.

Just remember you came a long way and you are much healthier person now. And you are a great person! 

take care,

P.S. Saw Dr Chua on June 30th after 6 months waiting now waiting on the approval from the insurance company. And lost over 50 lbs now too ;) June I seem to plateau and gain now back to where I was in May. ugh! 
Robin from Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Distal gastric bypass 7/28/09
6 month supervised diet done lost over 50 lbs pre-surgery
My facebook page is:  (just put that you are from OH in message to add you to my facebook)     
       View more of my photos at

August 2010 weight 138 lbs lost of 179.5 lbs but gain again since my gallbladder surgery Oct 2010 range recentlly my weight got up to 166 and I was in freak mode. I am now down to 152.6 hoping to get back to 135 and started generic wellbutrin
Lois S.
on 7/5/09 9:43 am - Neenah, WI
Topic: Drunks Suck! (venting)
Sorry folks, but I need to vent, since I am all cried out. I just returned from a local bar, where I stopped in to see my husband, since I haven't seen him much today. I ordered a cranberry juice and started talking with my hubby. My former boss' husband was sitting next to the hubby on the other side and was clearly drunk, going into past military experiences and cadence, etc. when he got up and stood in front of me, looking me in the chest, wanting me to talk to him. I took his shoulders, moved him aside and said I'm talking to Mark, just a minute. He got pissed off, sat down, and said to another guy "I remember when she was fat and ugly! Now she walks around like'I'm so pretty'  I'm so skinny' "  I said to him that I just want to finish my conversation with Mark and I'll be right there. He blew a gasket, saying stuff much meaner than that. I got so mad I wanted to leave, but was convinced to stay. Mark told him repeatedly to shut up and he kept it up, wanting to pick a fight. I went to the bathroom and cried. His wife, my good friend, came and picked him up.  I am so angry, sad and beside myself right now!  I guess I just need to learn to walk away.  Anyway, just venting and feeling a bit better now.  Thanks!
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