Interested in starting a support group
Hi my name is Yolanda and I live in Sheboygan County. There are a few people in my area that I know who have had wls or who are having wls very soon. We are thinking of starting a support group in Sheboygan County. If you believe that this is a group that you would like to attend, please respond to this post. It is nice to go to Milwaukee sometimes but we would like to have a group close to home also.
Happy losing!

My name is Wendi and I would be interested in a support group in Sheboygan Co. I live in Manitowoc, but Sheboygan is a lot closer than Milwaukee. My main problem is I would have to go to one during the day while my kids are at school. I have two kids and even though my husband (we are separated) is still very involved in the kids lives, he works 11-7:30, so isn't available to watch the kids in the evenings. Let me know if this would work, or if the time would not correspond to your plans.
Thank you for your response Wendi! I work at home and some of the people that I know also work at home or attend school so it might work out that we can have a support group in the late morning or early afternoon. I will ask other people what they think about the idea but I am sure that this would work out because not any of us like to travel in the dark in winter and most of us have children that we would need to find sitters for. Early meetings would avoid these issues. I will keep you updated. If you do not hear anything from me in the next few weeks please email me.
Hi Susan,
I am aware of the support group that meets at St. Nicholas Hospital. It will meet on Tuesday the 18th at 6 pm. I have not been to that meeting but I knew someone who attended that meeting a few times and felt like she did not get anything postive from the experience. I will attend the meeting myself this Tuesday to see what I can take from it. In the mean time my friends and I would still like to have a group meeting. After all you can never have to much support, right?