Old time member MIA??? Ken
If you're talking about Ken Schuch When he posts and it's very rare these days as he's such a busy guy...it's either on the men's forum or the Grad's forum. HTH, Toots
Oh, his profile is here: http://www.obesityhelp.com/morbidobesity/members/profile.php?N=S1069274650 in case you'd like to email him.
Ken and his family moved last fall. Since then they no longer have dsl and just have dial up. They've had problems with being online and stuff like that. We saw him few months back and he said he just didn't have time to get online.
I need to call him in regards to some things (I ordered some cookie dough from his son and he ordered girl scout cookies from my daughter) and so we will need to get together to "exchange" the too evils.
I'll try to remember to tell him you were askinga bout him.
Hi Theresa
I just got on here tonight for the first time in over a week or so. It makes me feel good to know I have been missed, but bad too, in that I feel like I have let so many people down by being absent for so long. I continue to do well, but food is a continuing evil of mine...so much so that I am now in counseling for my addiction to it. I have even started taking meds in the hopes that I will stop thinking of food so much too!! I have gained a little of the weight back but have gotten good at reining myself in when things get too much out of control. I am hoping that the meds will make a difference soon and the counseling will too. I will be honest with you though and tell you that the constant struggle has had me quite depressed lately and that has been a big part of my reason for my absense. I want to be on more and be supportive of you all, but when you feel out of control and don't feel good about yourself, it's hard to project positiveness out to others as I'm sure you well know. I try so hard to keep myself on the right track, even when I am putting something I know I shouldn't in my mouth. It's like I am trying to purposely sabotage what I did to save myself...HOW SICK IS THAT????????? When I do that, it makes me feel worse and I feel shame....I tell myself I won't do it again, and an hour later, there I am...doing it again!!! I really wish I could explain it to you or make you understand.
It is getting late and I need to get to bed. Besides...I had some peanut butter and apple and now I feel like total crapola too.
Thanks again for thinking about me and I am so sorry this reply probably wasn't the "feel good" response you were looking for, but I just feel like I need to be honest with you. I am very glad for you though that you have a date for surgery and that you will be starting your journey in only a couple of short months...BEST OF LUCK TO YOU!!
Have a super week...Cap'n K-Man