Learning --
Ok so after realizing this last week I'm now having gall bladder attacks I'm ready to get my weight loss going. I've tried Atkins and WW but can't really loose past a certain number of pounds.
I have BadgerCare (for the winter) and then another insurance from Spring to Early Winter.
What medical condition would I need to be qualified with? I suffer from depression (10+ years) and am morbidly obese (can't remember my BMI at the moment).
What do I need to do to get the ball rolling? After knowing I'm done completely having kids (tubes tied in November '05) I want to get healthier. I don't want to be that fat mom sitting on the sideline huffing & puffing because she's out of breath from walking from one side of the field to the other.
Any ideas, suggestions, comments? Anything would be appreicated. Oh...I'm up in the Rice Lake area so if anyone has a doctor recommendation that'd be appreciated too.
Mommy to 3 (8yrs, 15 months, and almost 2 months)
Kate -
I understand where you are. I too am just learning. I have diabetes, am supermorbidity obese (I can't wait until I am just obese!). They just found a blockage in one artery in my groin, this gives me pain in my leg because I am not getting the blood flow I need. Gall bladder problems are also considered a comorbidity (in addition to the weight). I am having my gall bladder scanned tomorrow. Depression is another comorbidity. Heart disease & high cholestrol are others. Sleep Apnea is another. I have been on a CPAP unit for 10+ years.
I was the mom sitting on the sidelines. I tried to participate as much as I could, but the weight got in the way. It was so hard when my son would come home crying that some jerky kid said he had a fat, dumb mom. I just kept gaining the weight. My top weight was 350 lbs. I am now 336. I had to lose the weight in order for the surgeon to give me a knee scope!
In '88 I got very ill. Up until that point I was healthy, thin, and walking 3 miles in under an hour. One day I was fine, the next, I couldn't make it up the hill by my house. My final diagnosis was Fibromyalgia and an auto-immune disorder called Sjogren's Syndrome. SS leaves you with dry eyes, dry mouth, dry skin....
I recently found out that I have osteo arthritis in my lower back with bone spurs and I have nitrogen in five disc areas where discs should be. This is another comorbidity.
I had to see a vascular surgeon because of chronic foot infections. They had done a vascular ultrasound. While I was in the waiting room, I looked around and realized that these surgeons also did RNY. When I saw my doc, he told me about the blockage. Then he gently suggested gastric bypass. We talked about my fears, what I would be looking at as far as my health future. I would live 15 years less and I would be in chronic pain.
I was scheduled to see my primary doc, so after discussing the findings, I brought up WLS and she was so okay with it - I was so surprised! She said that it shouldn't be a problem getting approved because I see her every three months for diabetes and she has watch my weight go up & down. So we scheduled for the gall bladder ultrasound & she is writing a letter that will go to the surgeon and eventually the insurance company.
I found a local support group and am going to a meeting on Wednesday. I have just started my "adventure".
I have United Healthcare, Options PPO - I think they are good with WLS. I guess I will find out. There is an area on the OH site where you look up your ins and see how other people found them to be. I think if you click on the "Insurers" link it will get you there.
As for surgeons in your area, you can click on "local resources" and see if any doctors are listed. There are usually people who post their opinions about the doctors they used.
Starting with your primary doc would be your first move forward.
So good luck - keep posting - I see a lot of care & support on this site.
BTW - I am 44 & have two children, 25 and 23 years old and one granddaughter who turns 1 February 16. I also have a 42 yr old autistic brother that I am guardian for. Oh, yes, I am married and my husband has been very good regarding my decision to persue this route. So you can see why this is a no brainer decision - I want to be around a long long time to drive my kids crazy!!!
I look forward to hearing about your adventure and I will keep posting mine. Susan
Susan ~
How did you decided which surgery to do? Seeing all the different types makes my head spin.
I haven't yet talked with my doctor, but I do plan on it after my gall bladder ultrasound on Tuesday. I'm just hoping that it isn't something too serious to keep me from reaching this goal of WLS.
I just started a new job a few weeks ago. I stayed home with my kids from May 2005 until January 2006. I have a girl who is almost 8 and two boys who are 15 months and 2 months old. Yup I'm a glutten for punishment. LOL
I have more questions but one of the boys just woke up from a nap. I have to go for now.
Kim - How did you like Dr. Kemmerling? I don't know if he is on my plan, but I have heard a lot of good things about him. My doctor is Dr. Grazziotin, who is with Drs. Geocaris. I haven't talked to him extensively, he seems new to the practice, so I would like to find out how many RNY's he's done - that will probably be at our next meeting.
Susan. I had Dr Kemmerling too. He did a great Job. I have really excelled after that and have lost 150 since surgery and 221 total from my highest weight. While Dr Kemmerling can be all business at times, he did do great with me. His staff Nancy and Mary are wonderful and are very caring. I just love them. Good luck on wherever you go.

Daniel - I met Dr. Kemmerling last night. I went to a support group meeting, which was awesome, and he came. While he was all business, you could tell he was passionate about getting a bariatric exercise group going in conjunction with St. Vincent Whole Health. I had a wonderful evening. There is nothing like talking with people who have gone through the surgery already.
that is great Susan. I have been to a few meetings there and they have a good support system there. I wish I could do more of them. but I am 60 miles away and stil of diability for the moment. so Financialy it makes it hard sometimes. There is no support group near here right now. so OH is it for me. But thins is a great place to come for support. I hope you find what you are loking for. I think DR K is a wise chioce. IMHO. Good luck.

Did you have any problems getting approved? My info was submitted Dec 20th and I'm still going round with them. They keep asking for additional information and taking there sweet time asking for it! I was told on Dec 28th that I was approved and when I called back 1 1/2 weeks later to find out where my letter of approval was, thats when they told me they needed more info. I called again yesterday as of last week the 19th they had been requested additional info again...the hospital had not received anything as of yesterday.
Any advice??