Panus removal??
I am now 2 years out and have been maintaining my weight arouind 190-195 mark for about 4 months now. Nothing more seems to want to come off. I am thankful for over 110#'s being gone and now it is time to think about getting rid of some major extra skin.
I am seriously considering having the "panus" (extra skin in the stomach area) removed by Dr. King out of Madison, WI. Since I am going to be a self pay most likely (insurance already denied me last year and I am resubmitting to new ins comp, but expect another denial) I have a few questions if anyone has any info on.
1. Dr. King said it would cost about $6000 or so for the surgery. This includes hospital and surgeon fee. My concnern is what if I have complications. Most insurances won't pay for complications. Has anyone had just the panus removed and had complications?
2. With just removing the panus, I fear that my legs/buttocks/thighs will look odd since they will still have the excess skins and the gut won't. Has anyone had just the panus removed and if so, how does it look with reference to the rest of the body's extra skin.
3. How much pain/recover should I expect? I would hope to return to work in 2 weeks (sit down office job).
4. Does your stomach actually get flat after they remove the excess skin? Since I have never had a flat stomach, I find it hard to visualize this.
I am not big on lots of plastic surgery, but the excess skin that I have in my lower stomach area is huge. I would guess it to weigh about 20lbs or more. I was overweight my entire life so I have almost 40 years of stretching that won't unstrech. Plus the weight affects my lower back and of course I have a hugh rash/moisture problem with the area that never sees daylight.
Any comments on past experiences of having the panus removed would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
RNY August 2003
size 30/32 then; size 16/18 now
Vicky I just saw Dr. King.
Not sure when you saw him. The cost - covers the surgery BUT you will NOT stay in the hospital. he sends all patients home the same day. I have a huge problem with that - since I have problems w/the anestetic. Anyway - my thought on complications/insurance is the same as for WLS. If they will not cover the surgery itself - they are most likely not going to cover any complications that arise. I would call them to find out.
Also - he told me that doing my legs would not be good idea. That it wouldn't help enough to be worth my while.
Did you file an appeal? I am in the process of doing that. I need to get my butt in gear and do it. Anyway - keep in touch. Take Care. Gala
Hi Vicky,
Wow, I totally understand how you feel. I started having my reconstructions in 2000. My first was abdominoplasty and breast reduction together. My surgeon is Dr. Lawrence Zachary in Chicago. I weighed 430 pounds when I started, by the time I was at 305 around 10 months later, I was carrying my tummy around, having to move it with me when I was in bed. So my doctor and I decided to do it. Mine weighed 50 pounds, and took 3 men to lift it off. Today, things are so much different, they are doing things like beltlipectomy, have you heard of this? Maybe you would be a candidate for it, I don't know that. Flat, you won't believe it, all I can say is when my kids saw me after surgery, they told Dr. Zachary they had never seen me without a belly. He is such a fantastic surgeon he has been working with baritric patients for a very long time, I am over 6 years out and he was doing my friends in group then. Second opinions never hurt. I am not sure where in Wisconsin you are, but I would highly recommend Dr. Lawrence Zachary, 4646 N Marine Drive, Chicago, IL, 773-564-6120. You can call and speak to Clem Stitt-Wood if you choose, to get more information. Hey I have a great idea, come to Chicago, we are having ObesityHelp's regional event, then you could hit two birds with one stone. Well anything you decide, or if you want more information, just email me, I would be happy to help.
Take Care
Always Linny
[email protected]
RNY 7/1/99
I am EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Vicki,
I'm also a little nervous about my upcoming surgery on Nov 10, I'm having a panniculectomy and a abdominoplasty done or are they one of the same. Not sure yet whats involved I will be seeing the dr on Nov 7 to get all the info. Did u have your surgery yet? If so, how did it go? How long were u off of work? Any suggestions.. Hope everything went well.
Take care,