New To Site/Waiting for Insurance Okay
Hello Everyone!!
My Name is Carol K and I live in the Appleton WI area. My surgeon is Dr Kemmerling of Green Bay and I have completed my consult with him. We have all the paper work together and I believe his co-ordinator said she would be calling the insurance company early this week. (I WORK for my insurance company so the wait is even MORE frustraiting!!)
Dr Kemmerling is planning on doing the Lap Band on me, and I am more than ready. after dieting for about 25 of my 46 years and losing myself only to find myself again over and over agin, I have decided that this is the best appraoch. I am excited and have no apprehension about my decision. Now I am doing the waiting for the preauthorization for the insurance company. This is the most nerve racking time I think.
I have read with great interest the things others have posted and I applaud all of you who are making this journey, where ever it is that you are at. At 372.7 lbs I can not wait to begin. Dr Kemmerling thinks I can reach 173. It seems a long way off, but I have been there once I just need to find the way back.
Good Luck to all of you who are in the same boat as me, and congratulations to those who have had their surgery and are on their way to a better place. To those of you going in for surgery soon, good luck and God Bless. Can't wait to hear all about it here.
Thanks for listening.
Hugs to All
Carol K
Hi Beth,
My Insurance approval came through today YAHOO!!!!!! I am now waiting for the nurse to call me with my surgery date. I feel as though a weight (pardon the pun) has been lifted off my shoulders. Instead of the light at the end of the tunnel being an on coming train of further obesity, The light I see is the reflection of the new me to come. I am sooo excited. I will let everyone know when I have a surgery date. I can't wait.
Thanks for the good thoughts.
I know EXACTLY what you are going through.
I had my first consultation with Dr. Garren in Madison on Feb. 28, 2005.
I received my denial letter April 7.
I am now waiting
for the decision on my appeal. I am trying to be patient, and they promised to give me an answer by May 26th. I try not to dwell on it, but it IS a bit difficult.
Hopefully, all will go well for you, and your wait will not be too long or nerve racking.
Congratulations on your decision to become a healthier person!

hi carol, my name is vicki, and i also have dr. kemmerling as my doctor, im just going thru the aproval thing now, i just meet with him a week ago, how long did it take for your aproval to come in??, by the way im in winneconne, maybe we can keep in touch as we are close.
thanks vicki
[email protected]