I just got off the phone with the insurance company to check the status. The nurse I was talking to was really nice she told me the appointments I need to make before they will have a decision. Off the record she said you will be approved because of my bmi sleep apnea, and high blood pressure but the catch is she asked me how old I was I told her 24 and she said it might be a little harder that my chances dropped a little because of my age, but I have been obese since I was 14 I have some documentation of seeing a dietician but after I got out of school and I got my own job my insurance would not cover anything but a 1 time surgery for obesity. My question is are there any people that are under 35 that have had surgery, and was it hard for you to get approved?

You might get more response to this question if you posted it on the main message board. There are many more readers on that board and you might get a wider range of response.
I find the insurance company's reasoning a little screwy. If I'd had this surgery when I was 24 instead of when I was 49, I wouldn't have all the joint damage that I have in my hips, knees and feet from carrying myself around all those years.
Every insurance company has differnt rules. Mine required a 3-6 month supervised diet with a physician or dietitian sometime within the last 2 years prior to submitting the request for authorization. I had every other qualification met but that one, got denied, appealed and denied again, and finally OK'd after I spent last summer doing the supervised diet.
Good luck in your quest and don't give up the fight. That is exactly what your insurance company wants you to do.
sue O.
I'm 28 and didn't have problems because of my age. I was rejected by Blue Cross because they change their rules on me and now require 12 consecutive months of following a weight loss plan in the past 24 months. Then I changed insurances the beginning of this year and was approved right away by Cigna. I hadn't heard anyone in my support group or elsewhere of anyone having problems because of being too young.