HELP! Does anyone know or have information about these doctors?
Hi Rebecca,
Congrads on your surgery! I am glad that things went so well for you. I love you to get more info from you about the process that you went through to get the surgery done with this provider. I am scheduled to go for the meeting(with the counselors) on March 21st. I am sooo ready to get this done. I was told that after the meeting I would be scheduled to meet with the doctor and the nutritionist. I was told that it is a very long appointment. The nurse told me that I would find out that day if I would be a candiate for the surgery and what i would need to do for my insurance comapny to get things approved.I would like to know how long did all of this take for you? Did it go quickly( the appointments with all of the different providers)? I want the surgery done before christmas. Do you think that I am being realistic?
Thank you for all of your help!