Hello from Racine
Hi, my name is Melissa, and I live in Racine,WI. I am scheduled for lap RNY at Froedtert on Nov.4, 2004. Dr. Wallace is my surgeon. I like him a lot, I have had a wonderful experience w/ his whole office/staff. So far I have lost 20 pounds on my own. I am really excited, but getting nervous now. I am 27, married and have 4 kids ages, 7,5,4,1. So I am hoping all goes well so I can recover quickly. I just wanted to say hello and see if anyone else is from my area!! God Bless, Melissa

Hi Melissa. I thought I would come to the Wisconsin board since I got your email this morning. I have found this site to be a bit slow.....maybe everyone prefers the main message board. Anyway, thanks for emailing me, it reminded me that there is this Wisconsin board again.
You must be one busy lady with 4 kids 7 and under. When I was your age, I didn't even have 1 child yet. I can't even imagine. You have less than a month to go til your big day. Good luck to you and let's stay in touch.
I am 49 (yikes!!!) and have 2 kids. One is in her first year of college and the other is nearly 16 and learning to drive. I will tell you that life does get easier as the kids grow.........but enjoy the time you have with them now as they are so precious.
Hi Melissa, My name is Laurie and I am from Cudahy. Not to far from Racine. I usually go to main message board because there doesnt seem to be many posts on the WI Board. Congrats on your upcoming surgery. Mine is coming fast too. I will be having surgery at St Lukes on 10/21/04. Well good luck hope everything goes well. If you would like to chat sometime feel free to email me!