3 weeks out....did i get the surgery?
I had my surgery 8/27/04. Everything went very well....TOO well. I don't feel any different than I did pre op. I am sticking to the surgeons diet, but unlike most I haven't had any problems with nausea or dumping or anything. I'm afraid if this continues until I start regular food, that I'm gonna be cheatin! Im Sorry, and I know this sounds soooooo ungrateful to those of you that did have problems with things like this, but I need to have that REMINDER! or consequence that what I'm putting in my body is wrong, otherwise sometimes I don't realize it. I know that sounds dumb, but the hard truth is I am more than a little absent minded (er..) dingy?! especially when it comes to what I'm eating. Heck I deal with 253 kids 0-5 and 3 are mine 24/7. Could drive any one batty..LOL. Do the dumping, and other intolerences kick in later or is that something that should be already happening?
I am also almost 3 weeks out and as you I am sticking to the doctor prescribed diet. (LIQUID) I agree it is getting sickening I feel so great I want to eat something tangable. I have not had any problems post-op either. Every time you think in a negative way you have to turn it into a positive and remember the end result. I have conditioned myself over the last several months to transpose all negative thoughts into positive ones by dreaming of what it will be like to be free from my old fat self. I am constantly dreaming about the things I have always wanted to do and never could. I have noticed a huge diffrence in energy and attitude already I have lost 30+ pounds and see that as a great achievment. I know In my own head that as long as I do my part the WLS Tool will work. My advise to you is simple Keep your Eyes on the Prize and dream a little. If you turn your negative thoughts into positive one there is no stopping you. Find something else to fill your voids instead of food. Good luck with every thing and my prayers are with you for a progressive WLS journey.
God Bless Pj Manning