Happy and Angry
First the good news
I lost 15 lbs!!
I haven't had surgery yet.
Now the bad news ...
I went to see my theripist and the woman who did my phsych eval said why bother doing the MMPI because I will probably be denied anyway.
I talked to the dietion who is on the board and she said that she was going to talk to the nurse who is in charge she made me feel that I might have been misinformed.
I am really angry and scared. I am working really really hard and I am doing well. I am cutting back on my food.
I am doing their 6 month diet plan. I am exercising.
I am getting my mental issues delt with.
I don't need a set back.
Thank you for your time

It sounds like you are doing GREAT. I would not let this or anything bother you. It sounds like you can lose weight on your own without the surgery. I am doing the same thing. I only eat whole wheat bread, and not alot of it. Also I am watching my portions, and what I put in my mouth. I have lost 6# in less than one and a half weeks. I am very disturbed about some of the stuff that I have been hearing about the surgery. I would rather live a normal life than have staples floating in my stomach.
Well, take care and KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK
First and foremost congrats on your hard work and weight loss before surgery.
Second dont worry about what your therapist says. If they dont want to do a physc evaluation find a Doc that will. Work with your Bariatric Surgeon and have then recomend someone. Set backs will happen but look at them like minor challenges and never a problem keep focused on what you want and dont let anyone tell you diffrent you are worth it. Just keep doing what your doing and educate your self on every aspect of this surgery & insurance. Call your insurer and find out if WLS is covered most insurers are covering WLS if you have a BMI of 40 or over or a BMI of 35-39 with one or more comorbidites. Work closely with you surgery cordinator and things will work out for you. I am haveing RNY distal on 9/09/04 after 5 years or more of research and months of fighting with my insurer but I kept on them and after a denial and a appeal I am now approved. My prayers and thought will be with you for a sort fight, quick approval, & an uneventfull surgery.
Pj Manning RNY distal 9/09/04