Borderline Sleep Apnea???
Anyone heard of being borderline for sleep apnea? I had my sleep study done this past Tuesday & the tech called today to let me know that the doctor read the results of the screening & said that I had a few episodes, but not enough to have sleep apnea. I called my doctor & told him this & asked him what that meant. He said that it means I'm borderline & if I don't get my weight under control that eventually I will develop sleep apnea.
I'm just wondering if anyone else has had this result, because in order to qualify for the surgery I have to have sleep apnea or one of the other co-morbid disorders. Also if I'm borderline would that be enough to qualify me?
Any comments or suggestions would be great.

Hi Dawn:
I'm not sure if that is enough, but there are lots of things that qualify as comorbidities. Diabetes, High blood pressure, GERD, depression, joint pain, arthritis, sleep apnea, back pain, etc. There are more, but that's all I can come up with on the spur of the moment.
I don't know anyone who is carrying around all this excess weight who isn't depressed. I sure am! Good luck with everything!
Hi Dawn,
My insurance company, Comp Care Blue just pre-authorized me for a sleep study. I will be setting up an appointment soon. If I can get any information for you I will. Did you have to have pulmonary testing done before your sleep study? Mine is scheduled for 9-27-04. I wish you the best of luck. Take care!
Hi Vicky,
Originally my sleep study wasn't suppose to be done until 10/25, but I told the nurse when she called to set the appointment that I was hoping to have surgery, so she put me at the top of the cancellation list & called Tuesday morning to see if I could come in that night.
Which was a nice phone call, but that is the only test I had to have. The only hard part I found about the test is that I had to sleep on my back, when I'm used to sleeping on my side or stomach. Oh if they didn't tell you, you may want to bring your own pillow. They told me to, I guess it makes you feel more comfortable. Well, good luck with your study hope everything works out well for you.