My insurance excludes obesity. How can I finance WLS?
Amy S.
on 7/2/04 11:41 am - Ringle, WI
on 7/2/04 11:41 am - Ringle, WI
I met with Dr. Matt Johnson in Wausau on 4-1-2004 for a surgical consult. My insurance excludes everything (except nutritional conseling) related to obesity. I have no idea where to turn. How can I come up with the money to finance the surgery? Has anyone had to get a loan or go some other route in order to have their surgery?

Hi Amy - What insurance do you have?
Have you talked to them about what and why they include/exclude?
Is there a way it can be fought?
Mine was denied and I appealed - eventually it took a few months but I finally got it covered - please don't give up. did Dr Johnson have any options for you? They helped me alot (I had surgery wtih him 12/31/02)
[email protected], email me here - thanks and GOOD LUCK!!
There is some helpful information on this site on insurance. Also, go to the main board and look for help.
My insurance excludes weight loss surgery unless it is medically necessary. Don't be afraid to fight them. Being overweight is a sickness just like anything else and I believe it should be our right.
I have my first appointment with Dr. Johnson on July 19, can't wait. I have been heavy my whole life and would like to try the balance of my life NOT HEAVY.
Good luck,
Debbie Brown
Eagle River WI
My insurance does not cover it either. No ifs, and, or buts. Ask if you pay it all in full if you get a discount? I am paying it in full and get a 20% discount. We are getting a home equity loan on our house. That way we have longer to pay it off and can deduct the interest off our taxes. The hospital will also take as many credit cards as I can get. Good luck. I know how frustrating it is, believe me.