where do I start looking for Protein shakes/powder
Hello all,
I'm in the process of being approved for surgery. I was just wondering
where to look in the southeastern part of the state for protein shakes/
powders for my pre-op diet and beyond. Do they sell any at walmart
or do you have to go to GNC- which I have a feeling could be expensive..
how about sam's club??? can anyone also suggest one that they like.
thanks for your time

We got our protein powder at GNC. It worked out to about $2.50 per shake. I would recommend getting the gold card though because we didn't when we purchased the first batch for my husband. When we purchased his second batch and 4 premade shakes, it actually saved us $1.50 after our 30% discount with the card. I still have my shakes to buy (you save the 30% in the first 7 days of the month). We went with Myoplex Lite and for 20 packets it was $45.00. Where are you having your surgery? What kind of shakes did your dietician recommend? Ours said she wanted the carbs and protein to be within 5g of each other.... Hope this helps!

Hi Amy,
thank you for your reply, I will take a look at GNC and thanks for the
heads-up about the savings card. the dietican had a few brands at
the class, I believe myoplex was one of them, and also dr.phils, and
another one that I can't seem to remember right now. I will ( hopefully ) be
having surgery at elmbrook, I have dr. burhop at bariatric institute. I just
finished all of my pre-approval appointments and lab/ekg. I'm hoping that
they will process my papers to my insurance sometime this week...
thanks again and good luck to you!!

My husband and I have Dr. Chiang at the same place as Dr. Burhop
A friend of mine had Dr. Engstrand, so between the three of us we have the whole practice represented!
Hopefully your insurance provider is quick about it - mine sure was. We have Humana and one of the nurses at the Institute called me on a Friday to let me know she was submitting everything either that day or Monday. Well, she called me bright and early Monday morning to let me know that we had been approved! It's all been a blur since then
Tests, tests, and more tests - but Chris has his surgery on Friday and I'm July 7. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you and a speedy insurance approval!

hello amy,
how did your husband's surgery go? I was also wondering after you finished
all of your pre-approval appointments, how long did it take for the Bariatric
Institute to submit your request for surgery to your insurance. I've had
mine all done for over 2 weeks now and I called the other day and they
had lost my letter from my PCP and my diet history. I resent all the info.
the same day and am getting a little impatient. Just wondering how long
the process took for you? I hope that all is well with you both. thanks
for your time.

His surgery was great - he's doing really well for 8 days post op. We originally saw the doctor on March 18 and we had to do labs and he had a colonoscopy and i had a sleep study. All of our tests were finished on May 6. BIW got all of our test results by May 13. One of the nurses called on May 14 to let me know they were submitting our info and did we have a letter from our PCP - we didn't. Our insurance company approved us on May 17. I believe our insurance approval came back so quickly because someone that I work with had her info submitted about 3 weeks before we did - probably fresh in their minds and all.
I hope everything works out for you and you hear back soon. It can't hurt to call and check on the process with your insurance co and/or the BIW.
Let me know what happens!

Hello Amy
I just found out last thursday that i'm approved!!!!!!!
Now i'm waiting for the "scheduler" to call me with a date. I'm
getting very impatient
I have 2 young children and am
hoping that I can have my sister help me with them post-op
as my husband can't take much time off of work, but she
will be going back to school full-time in early sept. I sure hope
that I have the surgery by then. I can't wait
How is your dh doing? You must be getting so excited for your
upcoming surgery, oh wow, it's tomorrow isn't it!!!! GOOD LUCK to you!
I'm just curious, what shake did you both use pre-op. I'm having a super
hard time finding one that fits the dietican's requirements. I went to
GNC and bought myoplex lite, but i'm allergic to it and have to start
my search all over. I looked on vitalady.com but she only has post-op
shakes with really low carbs.
well, I just wanted to check in and wish you all the best tomorrow!!!

Depending on how far you want to travel there is a great store in Rockford Illionois called the Nutrion outlet or something like that. If you email me when you get this I will gladly find out the name for sure and forward it back to you. This store is great and they have really low prices on name brand items and they have every thing. Prices even lower than the internet, 60% cheaper than GNC. We used to travel there from Madison once a month to pick up protien powder. [email protected]
Just a little update the name of the nutrition outlet is Tommy K's in Rockford Illionois. It is like 1 hour from Madison and the trip is definietly worth it.
Tommy K's IV
3206 S Alpine Rd
Rockford, IL 61109
(815) 874-4100