New here!
Just wanted to introduce myself. I am in Central Wisconsin, looking for more info on this. I have an appointment to meet with the surgeon later this month. It's kind of an informational meeting and then you meet one on one with the dr so see if you meet the requirments. I am praying that I do. From what I have been told so far, I do, but I still get nervous.
I am 29, married and have 2 little ones at home. I work full time as a police/fire/ems/911 dispatcher. I enjoy my job, but it is stressful.
I feel I have tried about every diet/weight loss treatment under the sun. I have given up in some ways, and I feel like such a failure. I want this surgery so I will be around for my girls.
I did have a question if someone can answer it. I have noticed you have to have a psych evalutaion, what is that about? I would of never thought about that, but I suppose it will make sense once I understand it better.
I hope to get to know you all better and vice versa.
First and foremost hello and welcome! To answer your question I beleive the phyc.. evaluation is to determin that you are ready for the kind of total commitment that it takes to change your lifestlye and eating habits so drastically. This surgery is a wonderfull tool for consistant weight loss and long term weight control but if you dont change your eating habits it can reverse itself. The physc-evaluation is a tool to determin if you will follow through with the strict guidlines and diets after surgery. I hope I have helped you answer your question. I have had the evaluation and the physc-tests that go alnong with the pre-approval process and it was easy. Good luck with everything.
Hi Denise! Good luck to you on your journey! If you have questions, feel free to send me an e-mail
My husband is having the lap band surgery on June 11 and I am going in July 7! Our doctor is Dr Chiang from the Bariatric Institute of Wisconsin in Brookfield (near Milwaukee). We had to go through the psych eval and honestly that was the most nervewracking for me! But it was all good - just go with the flow - they know you are nervous and they are not going to try to dig though your past. They just want to make sure that you are doing this for the right reasons for you.
Take care!!!