All appointments completed!
Well, here is the latest..I have met with my Surgeons, the Dietician, had my Psychologic Testing done, had my Psychologist Interview complete, have attended two support groups so far, now Im just waiting! The Dietician has asked me to start keeping a log of what Im eating and try to lose about 10-15 lbs before the Surgery. My biggest problem I have learned through the Support Groups is I am not chewing my food well enough and I am eating it way to fast! So.....these are things I am now practicing and trying to get in the habit of being self conscious about them. Did anyone else have these problems?
Whose your doc??
Don't feel bad about eating to fast or not chewing your food well enough. Like you conscious of them and keep trying. I do the same thing. If I am really hungry I eat VERY fast and I know that is bad. Bad habit from long ago. Practice not drinking before and after you eat. This has been a hard one for me. And I have have gotten better. If I need a drink for "rinsing" purposes I do just that...rinse and spit it in the bathroom sink.
Take Care, Gala