Hello all my fellow Wisconsinites!
Well just alittle update on me. I am doing great and have lost a total of 88lbs since Dec 3, 2003;
I feel great and have so much more energy now more than I think I ever have. I have my trials and my bad days but nothing seems to be as bad as I felt before.
I went to Madison last week for a consult with a spine surgeon and was very disappointed
but oh well life goes on: I have two disks in my back that have as he called it Exploded
and are no pushing on my spinal cord and causing numbness in my left leg and food and butt; he wants me to lose 100lbs more before he will even try to fix it but he says the numbness will probably never go away; so much for my days of running LOL like I have done that in along time anyways. lol but other than that I still feel pretty good; I still have pain in my foot from the walking but hey I am alive and kicking and able to move better.
Well how does everyone like this weather we have been having???? I can't wait til it gets up in the 80's and I can be outside more. I was really happy when I went and got a pair of shorts out I used to have to sqeeze myself into and wow what an amazment it was to see they are baggy and will have to buy new ones this coming year...yippy.
Well hope all is doing good and hope to hear from some of you's.
Take care and Keep losing.

Hello There,
Who was the dr. in Madison you saw last week.
My husband sees a dr. in Madison for disk problems. He also has to loose about 100 lbs before he is able to have the next back surgery. He has had 1 already but it ruptured out the other side.
The weather well .... to be honest it sucks. It actually was SNOWING this Am when I left.
Congrats on the weightloss this far. It will come!!
Love, Gala
Hi! I saw Dr Paul Anderson of Spinal Reconstructive Surgery. I also have two herniated disks and its pinching the nerves in my back, causing leg numbness; not fun at all. But thanks for the reply. Also I know the weather has been sort of chilly lately and I am so hoping for warmer weather but I guess that is what we get for living in the great Northwoods, lol. Well take care and hope to hear from you again sometime.
P.S. Thanks for the complement about the grandkids they are really step children's kids but mine as far as I am concerned.