My Pcp won't write a!
Went to see my pcp on last talk to her about my weight.She don't believe in this surgery and thinks i can lose weight.She wants me to try her diet for 6 months and lose 50#.She thinks her diet along with dr.phils book will help me lose my over 100#s needed.I go to a seminar tomorrow(mon) for gastric in neenah.Question is will they help me find a dr.who will approve it.I don't know why all these pcp drs think that there diet is the cure.She don't believe in a bmi or the new blood pressure outlines.My bp has started to go up to 130s normally its always been in the 110s or lower.In fact when i went to see her my bp was 140\110 and they weren't concerend.So..
Will dr.georgen's team help me find a dr who will help me with approvel?
Its bad enough with insurances i don't need this with my pcp.Please help!
You asked for it...So you're gonna get my .02 cents!!
Get a new PCP!! Plain cut simple and dry. The clinic where I am going for surgery requires that your PCP right a letter of support. So therefore -- in my case it is essential.
Hopefully there will be some others in the Fondulac area that respond back to you so you can figure out maybe who to go threw.
My dh and I didn't pass the psych eval. "To much stress in our household". When we did what was asked of us -- seek counceling. My dh's therapist whom knew NOTHING about WLS until she saw him....basically told him the same thing. Our therapist had to give the ok to the psychiatrist in order for him to medically approve us. GUess what...I dont see her...first off and 2nd...My husband went to a different Surgeon for his WLS. The psych. there was very supportive of James having surgery and given him some guidelines he had to follow before writing his letter....
Guess my point is....get a new pcp.

I would have to agree with the above post. Get a new PCP. I used to see a doctor who was about 100 lbs soaking wet. She never helped me with the weight issues I had despite all the asking I did. She just said "eat less, exercise more". Yeah right, like I haven't tried that. I switched to a new PCP in the same building and she is wonderful. I discussed my weight and asked if she thought WLS would be right for me. She told me to pick a surgeon and she would stand behind my decision. She said she has several patients who have had RNY and are doing wonderfully. I think the best thing you can do is to either ask at the meeting, or use this site to find patients in your area and then ask them which PCP they had/have. Best of luck to you!
Hi Gala,
My pcp was the same way. I met another lady that had the surgery and ask who her pcp was. I went to him and my surgery is now 6 months history. I had done diets till they were just that diets that worked only for a while then gained it all back, I've lost 125 lbs. I also had my surgery in Neenah but live in Mi. Try to find someone near you who has had the surgery and ask them, it can't hurt.