Hi Lisa,
I'm from Milwaukee and was just looking at the WI board and saw your post. I am having surgery with Dr. Aguirre on April 28th. I am so anxious. I was denied by my insurance (exclusion policy) and don't want to waste time playing that game any longer.
I have researched Dr. A and have learned so much from his patient forum on this site. I know I have made the right decision. My husband and I are flying out on April 27 and will come home from Mexico on May 6. I update my profile every few days and will make sure to detail my trip after surgery.
My best to you - feel free to email me at any time with questions or just to talk about our experiences. We will both be on the losing side very soon!
Take care,

Hi Rachella, Sorry It took me for ever to get back to you. Thanks so much for responding. Yes I would definetly like to keep in touch with you. I wanted to have my surgery sooner but, I'm going to school in Brookfield for Phloebotomy, and my class doesn't end til June 23,2004 so I don't get to have it til June 29th now but, that's not that far away, I'm so excited-and greatful now that I have someone that is going through the same doctor and from Wisconsin too that's wonderful my family will be relieved now. Please do keep me up dated I'd appreciate it. Thanks again! You take care and enjoy Mexico! Oh do you know where your going to stay after your hospital stay? They say thier is a beautiful hotel overlooking the ocean that the doctor gets good rates around $66.00 a night it's called The Villa Marina another person who is through wls went here and said it's beautiful I'm going to check into it. Also, did you here about the $300.00 trip from San Deigo Airport to Dr. Aguirre office? I was just mentioning these things to let you know I'm sure you allready know anyways Take care. Talk too you later. Lisa
Hi Lisa,
I went to Dr. Aguirre last September and don't regret it one bit!! He is very personable and very qualified. Before making this decision, I researched his past patients, mortality rate, creditials and the hospital that he uses. The after care seems to come up a lot. True, he doesn't have much of a program, just mainly advice and written instructions. He keeps you in town close to him during the crucial period so he can keep an eye on you and gives you several different ways to contact him if you have questions once you get home. Now he has made some changes for the better (the new apartment, nursing service, etc.). I highly recommend Dr. A to anyone who is self-pay.
Feel free to contact me at any time if you have any other questions that i can help with. [email protected]
Good luck!!!!
Hi Tina, Thanks so much for sending me your reply it means alot, I was just sitting here reading other peoples messages cause I too was thinking about going to Illinois for surgery but, I really think I'm sold on Dr. Aguirre. Everyone including my supervisor at work keep telling me it's a bad idea but, I truly believe I'm doing the right thing so I'm going for it and it's going to be on June 29,2004 in Enseneda Mexico with Dr.Aguirre. Take care and I will keep up with you thanks so much!!!! Lisa