I'm a Newbie :-)
Hello there everyone. My name is Sue and i've begun my WL Journey.
I always knew I would love to have WLS but thought I would have to
win the lottery in order to be able to afford it. Then I found out that
there was a good chance that it would be covered by insurance. So,
I've been doing alot of research and that's where I am now. I've been
getting lots of signs that this is really MY time to do this. My son asked
me tonight if we could go to the beach this summer and it's sad, but in
my head my first thoughts were, " what am I going to wear?" how humilating
I would feel in a smim suit right now... how so unfair it is to him for me
to be like this.. I've got to make a change for me and for my kids. I so
want to be healthy and more active. I have a 6 year old and a 7 month old
and summer is coming and i'm already dreading the activities that go
along with summer, I just don't have alot of endurance and it's not fair to
them. I'm already dreaming of my new life next summer. I am hoping to
get the ball rolling for surgery and hope to have it in the early fall. I am
really getting excited by your posts and your stories and dreaming of
my new life. Ok, i've done enough rambling here, I look forward to
talking to all of you. bye for now, Sue
hello and welcome.I too am a newbie.I have been researching this for awhile and i am going to a info meeting on the 26th this month.Have to see my dr.first and stress to her that i need this.I too have small kids a 5 and 2 year old.I am tired of being depressed about how i look and all the failed diets i have tryed for years.Keep in contact with me its nice to know someone else out there like me.I am 5 10 and weigh 274.Don't really have medical problems now had foot surgery 2 months ago and 5 weeks ago had a hysterectomy which i am sure all had some part in my being overweight.My brother had this done 1 year ago and is down 130#.email me if you like.good luck.